‘We have had enough, hands off Ethiopia’

 BY MENGISTEAB TESHOME The use of humanitarian aid as a shield to intervene in countries’ internal affairs is an imprudent mistake and ineffectual act that does not see its consequences. Since recent... Read more »

Ethiopia is established concrete foundation

 BY LEULSEGED WORKU The glue that sticks Ethiopians is so strong that no single power can detached it, says, Political Science Researcher Surafel Getahun. According to him, this reality attested at different... Read more »

Beaming ray of hope in the heart of helpless

BY BETELHEM BEDLU Rainy season always frustrate people for fear of its unexpected consequences. The heavy downpours, the thunder and lightning make one feel uncomfortable and nervous. Especially, for those people who... Read more »

Ethiopians mosaic feature emblem: Defense force loom

The unity, cooperation and fraternity developed among the Ethiopia Defense Forces has to be well capitalized and given due attention as their amalgamation has purely reflected the pride-making state of all citizens... Read more »

Ethiopians won’t let terrorist TPLF mislead again

 BY MENGISTEAB TESHOME There is an African proverb that goes “One muddy buffalo makes the whole herd dirty.” The proverb describes the current reality of Ethiopia. A terrorist party ruled the country... Read more »

Averting atrocities, lootings on civilians

 BY MENGISTEAB TESHOME A political party that lacks clear and firm principles is more likely to engage in undermining the coexistence of its people. Such parties are known for their immoral deeds... Read more »

‘All hands should be on deck to beat a common enemy’

Since the development of COVID-19 vaccines, rapid immunization program has been on the go in many of developing countries focusing on priority groups like people in their 60s, 70s and above; and... Read more »

An Ethiopian womb has never been barren to heroes, heroines

Following the call of the government to stand by the side of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces, Ethiopians have shown their commitment to pay all the needed sacrifice and thwart the terrorist... Read more »

Giving hope to the hopeless

 BY TSEGAYE TILAHUN “The cost for health treatment is too high and beyond my means. It has also its own ups and downs. Thus, even though I am in poor health, I... Read more »

Honoring health professionals, caregivers

Compassionate and Respectful Care (CRC) is an essential element for healthcare providers (HCPs) as it builds a positive environment and intimacy among the professionals, patients, and families. However, during the outbreak of... Read more »