Beaming ray of hope in the heart of helpless


Rainy season always frustrate people for fear of its unexpected consequences. The heavy downpours, the thunder and lightning make one feel uncomfortable and nervous. Especially, for those people who have no houses but sheltering in roadsides and those residing in worn out houses as well, rainy season is not a welcomed time for the reason the hefty rainfall and flooding can create threatening conditions and endangered their lives.

In fact, the threat not only endangered those street people and whose houses are already falling on them but even for others whose houses are in a good condition.

Lemma, 80, is one of the people living in old houses whose roofs are dropping raindrops heavily. He lived on such away for years along with his children in almost fallen house in wereda 10, around St. Raphael Church, in Addis Ababa. To the worst of their situation, the people in the family could not sleep in their house peacefully and undisturbed even they feel unwell as the poor situation of the house would not let them to do so.

When the sky turns into black and it is ready to shower the earth with its dropping of water, the families get very nervous as they are insecure fearing that the house might fall down on them while they are asleep.

“We can cope with our problems; but how can we battle with rain?” Lemma inquired, expressing his fear that the house may suddenly falls on them.

Lucky for this elderly man, Lemma, the woman who is known for her generosity and kindness, Dagmawit Moges, Minister of Transport Ministry heard about the situation of the family by chance. Dagmawit immediately got in contact with Firehiwot Teleku, who is the General Director of Representative Institution of Public Service Employees Transport Service.

The two held talk on ways to give this family a relief and they finally reached to a decision- to build two modern houses for Lemma and his neighbor. With this same intention, they headed to their living area.

After discussing with officials of wereda 10, they moved the old man along his family and neighbors to a temporary shelter until the renovation of the houses is completely done.

In a situation his eyes covered with tears, the old man expressed his heartfelt and genuine gratitude for the entire officials who played a significant role in renovating the houses. “You saved my life, lessen my burden. Whenever, the rainy season comes, I was uncomfortable and worried for our life. I always say, I would not pass this rainy season. However, you have slacken off my burden through renovating the house”

The renovation of the two houses has already started with a view to make both families celebrate the Ethiopian New Year in their refurbished houses along with their families.

As part of the summer volunteerism program which is expected to benefit around 150 thousand people, numerous activities have been carried out by various institutions. Through the program, different segment of the people have benefitted. Especially, the elderly people have benefitted through the renovation houses that was organized and facilitated by different institutions.

It is to be noted that this year’s summer volunteerism program was commenced with the renovation of 43 houses of elderly people.


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