An Ethiopian womb has never been barren to heroes, heroines

Following the call of the government to stand by the side of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces, Ethiopians have shown their commitment to pay all the needed sacrifice and thwart the terrorist TPLF group.

As a result, segment members of the society are joining the Ethiopian Defense Force, and they are showing the true identity of Ethiopians and their commitments for common agenda. Despite external pressures and other challenges, Ethiopians are now joining hands for common purpose.

According to Political Science Researcher Dr. Wuhibegezer Ferede, the terrorist TPLF has been using all the techniques to stir the peace and stability of the nation. Using its an age old evil strategies, the terrorist group has attempted almost everything to ruin the nation. However, thanks to the heroic struggle of Ethiopians, the terrorists could not realize their devilish dream. Starting from the time it was in the bush, the terrorist group has been striving to blemish Ethiopians’ social fabric and to disintegrate Ethiopia through its fabricated rhetoric and evil deeds. According to Dr. Wuhibegezer, several factors have contributed to this.

“The terrorist TPLF group had been using all meanness to destroy Ethiopia and divide Ethiopians so as to elongate its existence. Several reasons can be forwarded why the terrorist group has chosen this harsh way. Scarcity of resource is one reason behind this move. The terrorist enterprise is always at the grip of scarcity. This factor has put it in the state of fear and greediness and that is why it has always been plundering the property of Ethiopia.”

The political researcher has also indicated that, the issue of minority is the other hidden agenda of the group. Scarcity of wealth together with minority issue has driven the terrorist in the state of fear and it has failed to consider itself Ethiopian. For this reason, the terrorist junta had been using all means to remain in power and it had been applying evil strategies. Since the terrorist had been considering itself different from Ethiopians, it was exercising strategies that destabilize Ethiopia.

“The terrorist TPLF had always been considered itself as non-Ethiopian and it was a secessionist. For that matter, no matter what the future of Ethiopia may be, staying at power had been its only goal. However, the moment it lost that opportunity, it has started using all available means to stir the peace and stability of the nation.”

According to Dr. Wuhibegezer, Ethiopian sentiment had always been strong and it will always be. No matter how strong or weak the enemy is, Ethiopians would not compromise on their dignity. The current mass mobilization is the outcome of that feeling.

“The more the terrorist TPLF group has plundered Ethiopian resources, the more public grievances have risen and compelled it to lose its power. And now, it is found at the brink of its death. Ethiopians have stood together to destroy the terrorist faction from the history of the nation for once and for all. This togetherness has come from age old grievances of Ethiopians. That is why the public react immediately and stand together without any pressure from the government or any other entity.

Girma Biru, is member of the competing party. According to him, his party has similar stand with the public. “As a party, we do not compromise on matters related to the sovereignty of the nation and its people peace and security.”

According to Girma, Ethiopian sentiment always needs common agenda and togetherness. Whenever there is a need to defend the nation, differences are issues that are kept aside.

Debebe Dede, is a resident of Bura Wordea in Sidama State; and he is Head of Woreda’s Militia Bureau. As other Ethiopians, he also does not hesitate to sacrifice his life for his motherland, Ethiopia. As to him, sacrificing himself for his country is a matter of pride for him.

Heroism is his nature. His previous experience also testifies this. Currently, he has organized youth in his Woreda to join the Ethiopian National Defense Forces.

According to Debebe, following the call of the government, he was busy in organizing the youths in his Woreda to defend the nation. As part of his zeal to his motherland, Debebe did not hesitate to send his beloved son into the warfront.

“No one would negotiate on or compromise the sovereignty of the country. No matter what the situation on the ground, we should die for Ethiopia. I might look old, but I have a strong sprit to defend my nation. I might be old, but I have a strong son who is committed to defend his motherland-Ethiopia,” he said.

Despite his age, Debebe is not still satisfied by merely sending his son into warfront. He is expecting his turn to join the National Defense Forces.

Indeed, patriotic sentiment for Ethiopia is beyond words. Ethiopians had never compromise with their unity and sovereignty. This has been witnessed throughout nation’s history. As a land of nations and nationalities, Ethiopia`s womb has never been barren to heroes and heroines. This is now being observed. The terrorist traitor group had tired all its best to stir the peace and stability of the nation. However, the combined hands of Ethiopians are now together to extinct the faction for once and for all.

There might be several differences among Ethiopians. There might be differences in ideology or others, but, Ethiopians have something in common- Ethiopia. That is why both the incumbent and the competing parties are responding instantly when the remnants of the terrorist group attempt to jeopardize the stability of the nation.


The Ethiopian Herald  12 August 2021

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