Ethiopians won’t let terrorist TPLF mislead again


There is an African proverb that goes “One muddy buffalo makes the whole herd dirty.” The proverb describes the current reality of Ethiopia. A terrorist party ruled the country with divide and rule creed intending to elongate its power through igniting hatred and disagreements among the people.

Since the day the new administration came to power with a new spirit of forgiveness and sense of solidarity to realize peace and security, across the country, prosper together and benefit the entire people.

Following the reform that the nation has already embarked on, all competing political parties except for the terrorist enterprise-the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) who has been engaged in plotting unrest and orchestrating destructive activities aiming to dismantle the nation for its cheap political gains, have exerted efforts to consolidate and ensure national prosperity.

Despite terrorist faction’s ill-intended motives, the government of Ethiopia has been trying persistently to solve differences through productive discussions. Unfortunately, all the efforts were in vain. The efforts of the delegation of elderly groups as well as women and religious leaders who went to resolve the disagreement was also downplayed by the terrorist group.

According to Dr. Aregawi Berhe Director- General of the Office of the National Council for Coordination of Public Participation to the Construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), the terrorist enterprise has been dismantling the nation from its inception and even after it came to power. And, what has been happening now should not come as a surprise as conspiracy and orchestrating ill-intents is the real nature of the group.

Dr. Aregawi, who was also one of the cofounders of the TPLF, and approached by The Ethiopian Herald, said that the terrorist party had used different techniques to cover up all its devilish acts and engaged in camouflaging with pseudo elections, and democracy. It had also been working with informal networks that could assist the terrorist group party in the diplomatic arena.

In doing so, the terrorist enterprise has been deceiving Ethiopians and the global community for more than two and plus decades. Sadly enough, the group has continuing yelling out loudly to come to power.

As to him, while the terrorist was in power, it was the sole manipulator of all resources and power through forming a pseudo coalition named Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) which was the TPLF. It should be well noted that the group is responsible for institutionalizing weak performing structures across the federal and states institutions.

In its tenure, thousands of Ethiopian children-Oromos, Amharas, Sidamas and Somalis, Hadiyas as well Wolayitas were imprisoned massively. Likewise, political party leaders were also jailed for the sake of their ideological perspectives.

Even, the political activities of the nation were in the hands of four ethnic based political parties (Oromo, Amhara, Tigray and South People) while others were denied of their rights to take part in the political sphere of their country and exercise power.

Since all these atrocities were committed by the terrorist enterprise and are well documented, Ethiopians, should not be deceived by the remnants of the terrorist TPLF again, he added.

Agenagn Kebede, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Woldiya University, Department of Political Science and International Relations for his part noted that TPLF is a smart deceiver. The terrorist group had been deceiving that it was democratic while it was one of the most dictators in the Africa continent. Though it acted as if a party concerned for the people and told that it was humanitarian, thousands of Ethiopians were targeted for visible and hidden genocide during the regime of the terrorist TPLF.

Even in the recent past, more than 2000 innocent civilians, who were merely daily laborers and were not armed, were massacred by the terrorist group in the town of Mai Kadra. The killings, the remnants of the TPLF committed at Galicoma, in Afar State against civilians who were sheltering in a school and a health facility, of which the majorities are children and women, portray terrorists’ recklessness and cold-heartedness.

It is a fact that some countries and international organizations have realized that the terrorist TPLF is deceiver, and aware understood as it has been distributing false information using fake social media accounts. Moreover, they clearly understand that it has hired its own cliques aiming to dismantle the country through circulating misinformation. Unfortunately, they turned a deaf ear to the reality, he opined.

“Ethiopia is an old and peaceful nation with a statehood history. We do not allow other countries to interfere and muddle what is not their business. Our internal matter is our own affairs. And, it is every Ethiopians responsibility and duty in disproving the false propaganda and curtailing the crimes before everything goes worse. We should not let the terrorist TPLF faction, disrupt our peace and security plus deceive the whole world again. I have faith that Ethiopians will beat all the challenges and win out,” he added.


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