Capitalizing on our tourism potential

No one has ever put in doubt the tourism potential Ethiopia avails. We have seen countries with much less attractions benefiting enormously economically from their tourist attractions even if they are not... Read more »

Ethiopia: A reliable neighbour, a great pacifier in precarious region

Ethiopia is not only seen as a good neighbour but it is also considered by many as the great stabilizer and pacifier of the Horn. In many ways, the country continues to... Read more »

New heights in Green Legacy Initiative

The beginning of the new tree planting season as part of the Green Legacy Initiative that started in June 2019 has started a few days ago in an official launching ceremony. On... Read more »

 Transforming African food systems from the ground up

All news is local, they say. The same is true of innovations—those many new technologies, policies, and practices that steadily stream from research to enhance our lives. It is in specific regions,... Read more »

 Reclaiming the narrative in African philanthropy: A community-based organization’s perspective

In recent years, the African philanthropy landscape has been undergoing a profound transformation. Or has it? Historically, the narrative of aid and development in Africa has been dominated by external donors and... Read more »

 South-South cooperation key to a new multilateralism

“There are new challenges to all states: among them, the real threat to multilateralism… South-South and triangular cooperation can contribute to a new multilateralism and drive the revitalization of the global partnership... Read more »

 LDCs need concessional grants, not loans, say experts

Olaide Bankole was born and raised in Nigeria, and he observed how climate change was evident in the country with temperature rises and rainfall variability and how drought, desertification, and sea level... Read more »

 WHO Africa advances African science by promoting Peer-reviewed research

The World Health Organization’s African regional office and partners published over 25 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals in 2023 as part of efforts to address the imbalance in global research and ensure... Read more »

 Making national dialogue a success

National dialogue and reconciliation are amongst the important leaps to take if one considers a holistic and national consensus for a given country. It indeed helps a nation and its people to... Read more »

Pretoria accord files positive progress amidst challenges

The brutal and devastating two-year war between the federal government of Ethiopia and the Tigray Liberation Front (TPLF) has concluded with the signing of an AU-brokered peace deal in Pretoria, South Africa.... Read more »