Ethiopia is established concrete foundation


The glue that sticks Ethiopians is so strong that no single power can detached it, says, Political Science Researcher Surafel Getahun. According to him, this reality attested at different times was recorded by several writers. The more one attempts to remove Ethiopian sentiment from Ethiopians, the more they stick together. This is how Ethiopia’s sovereignty is sustained for centuries. That is why every attempt orchestrated to ruin the social fabrics of Ethiopians within the past close to three decades has failed. The terrorist TPLF junta has tried almost everything to disintegrate Ethiopians unity; but it has failed.

“We are now found in the era where the political and cultural rights of a person are guaranteed by the constitution. This is an era where citizenship and commitment to motherland matters. It is not the era in which ethnic background or any other disparities affect one`s status in the community. This is the era where one uses his/her ethnic background as a means to illuminate citizenship; not to undermine others. This is the era where one should enjoy his/her cultural identity freely, without undermining the other; this is the era where one can freely speak any kind of language that pleases him.”

As to him, there are numerous historical documents and narrations as there were times that the monarchical and the dictatorial regimes used language supremacy to remain in power at the expense of some other ethnic groups. For that reason, the concept of equality was a paper tiger. They may talk a lot about equality but when it comes into reality, it was only some groups who were benefited from the fruits of the country. It was for this reason that the Bale uprising and other series of resistance movements were erupted in the country.

However, the terrorist enterprises like that of the TPLF factions are still contaminating the mind of peace loving people. Using all available means, including through their deceptive propagandas, leaders of the terrorist group are leading the Tigray youth to the wrong way.

According to Surafel, with all challenges, Ethiopians have acquainted themselves with the art of living in tolerance. No matter how hard their past story is; no matter what inconvenience they have been through, their bondage is strong.

Ethnic conflict had always been disastrous for economic progress. This is especially true for most developing countries. Our recent experiences have also witnessed this. Due to such push and pulls, the economic progress of the nation has crippled. It has also paralyzed the democratization and the notion of equality.

As it is indicated by several scholars, ethnic conflicts have inflicted a serious challenge to Africa. And this problem is exacerbated by corrupted politicians and opposition parties.

They use ethnic centered political game to win their opponents. They use an age old divide and rule policy of colonial masters to extend their life on politics. Here, it is better to mention how the terrorist TPLF junta had been using its more than two decades experience in power to ruin the peace and the stability of the nation for its own sake.

Literatures are full of evidences that ethnic based conflict is not a recent phenomenon for Africa. For instance in her journal entitled The Nature of Conflict in Africa And Its Impact on African International Relations, Ezeabasili E Ifeoma, indicated that since the end of Cold War, several African countries: Burundi, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Liberia, Ruanda, Sudan, Somalia and others have involved in conflict. Due to this reason, they have lost priceless lives and their economy has seriously damaged.

Africa is the land of diversity. It is not only a continent with the highest ethnic diversity, but also prone to ethnic based conflicts. For instance, if one takes Ethiopia as an example, he/she could find more than 80 nations and nationalities with their own distinctive cultural practices. This diversity is a beauty by itself. However, groups like the terrorist TPLF had been using it as a tool to create chaos in the nation for its own advantages even though this did not work for them.

According to Surafel, Ethiopia and Ethiopians have never been divided or sit idle when enemies arose to threat Ethiopia’s sovereignty. Be it local or outsider enemy, Ethiopians have always zeal to die for its dignity. Ethiopia was not built out of the propaganda of Getachew Reda or social media activists. The land is built by the blood and sweat of Ethiopians.

In fact, at this point in time, the country is entangled by various challenges owing to the conspiracy of its internal and historic enemies. However, it would not disintegrated or fall apart as many anticipated.

The Ethiopian National Defense Forces are exerting utmost effort and are punishing the terrorist TPLF group that is aspiring to disturb the peace and security of Ethiopians and dismantle Ethiopia. Unquestionably, the army beating nation’s enemies will make history.


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