ECTA spearheading Ethiopian coffee’s global expansion

It is clear that coffee exports play a huge role in generating income for Ethiopia. Inexpensive and served everywhere, on any occasion, coffee is a powerful factor in promoting conviviality and social... Read more »

 Getting tourism bigger for augmenting economic growth

Needless to mention, tourism provides numerous benefits to economic progress in various ways as is playing a crucial role in local, continental and global contexts. As well attested from what the tourism... Read more »

Boosting domestic production, FDI and trade balance for Ethiopia’s economic growth

It is common knowledge that economic experts place emphasis on the need to augment domestic production, exports, foreign direct investment (FDI) and other related aspects to help the country make trade balance... Read more »

Modernizing the economy through excelling technology, skills

Ethiopia is one of the growing economies across the globe. The nation is the second populous country in Africa next to Nigeria with more than 126 million. According to the recent World... Read more »

Manufacturing industry sector stimulating investment in Somali region

In Somali National Regional State, which has been enjoying the blessing of peace for the past six years following the national reform; the development works done in all sectors are proof that... Read more »

Vital role of liberalizing financial sector to accelerate economic progress

In recent years, the banking and financial sector has emerged as a key priority for the Ethiopian government as it seeks to drive economic growth and development across the country. As the... Read more »

Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative: An antidote for the nation’s economy, global climate change

Today marks a new era for Ethiopia due to several factors, with the success of the Green Legacy Initiative (GLI) being crucial for Africa and the world to breathe cleaner air. Ethiopia’s... Read more »

Ethiopia’s diverse efforts to bolster manufacturing sector, stimulate economic growth

It should be emphasized that Ethiopia has been playing a paramount role in taking the country to the next level of accomplishment putting a wide spectrum of fruitful approaches into effect. On... Read more »

Construction industry for economic progress

Needless to state, the construction industry plays an important role in reinforcing the Ethiopian economy, and the activities of the industry are also vital to the achievements of national socio-economic development goals... Read more »

 ‘Let Bygones Be Bygones,’ unite for rising Ethiopia!

A strong coffee was being poured when a friend of mine interrupted my idea stating ‘Ethiopia can economically, socially and even politically surpass the best-named nations in the world if we work... Read more »