‘Everyone Does it;’ “So!”

Recently a relative in her mid-twenties was ranting over something accusing a certain group which she referred only as “They…” for cheating her into something. I mean the young lady was so... Read more »

 La Roja vs The Three Lions…(It’s only football, dummy!)

Yes, it’s going to be one hell of a final. At least that is the hope when the English three Lions and the Spanish La Roja meet in Berlin tonight. Spain may... Read more »

 Of Boasts and Bores

Boasting seems to have become the past time of many of us. Yes, we try to boast about almost everything. I mentioned this real story a couple of times because it’s so... Read more »

 “No, I don’t do TikTok.” “What!”

There seems to be some rush to get attention. Yes, believe me there is rush which is so big there seems to be tripping all over the place. I mean with almost... Read more »

 Our Lives; Our Choices!

Fade up of complete strangers who try to inject some political or other ‘concoction’ into your system. They could talk for hours and your reaction would be, “What the hell was he... Read more »

 Yes, We Need Changes!

The time should come when we really should start using the “I’m a tax payer!” and really mean it. In many places our rights are badly mutilated or even purely carpet bombed... Read more »

 It’s all About Focus

It’s all about focus isn’t it? Unfortunately, many of us seem to lose that fact. It’s like in the adverts. You can’t help asking yourself, “Is there some unwritten mandatory in-house rule... Read more »

 “It’s not Over Until It’s Over”

Yes, many would say it was the same old story. Again the England soccer team failed to deliver what’s expected of it, playing like the national team of a country which has... Read more »

 ‘Cut-and-Dried Answers!’

I had this friend who just feels really comfortable giving alms to beggars and helping others in whatever way he can. Not that he has spare whatever to throw around; but he’s... Read more »

The curse of third-party interference!

Third party uncalled for interference in anyone’s life seldom does end with all sides having a nice time. No, way. Many times than not third parties who interfere in the lives of... Read more »