Ethiopians mosaic feature emblem: Defense force loom

The unity, cooperation and fraternity developed among the Ethiopia Defense Forces has to be well capitalized and given due attention as their amalgamation has purely reflected the pride-making state of all citizens of the country.

Anyone can simply refer to the Ethiopian National Defense Forces if they would like to know what the country looks like. Yes, defense forces do have a beloved country, but they have never been indulged in a race cave for they are organized with no religion and stereotyped segregation.

It is well recognized that nothing is invaluable and adorable than a soul, but the Ethiopian Defense Forces have unreservedly provide their country with life sacrifice for the sovereignty of their mother land—Ethiopia—when its foes from within and abroad are amalgamated to dismantle it.

The love of a country emanated from our forefathers and foremothers has been purely reflected among the members of the defense force. Most of the more amazing stories of cooperation in warfare have come from the trenches of the harmonious way of living and fraternity of Ethiopians since long back.

Yes, Ethiopians have believed that collaboration is a muscle that must be exercised and the idea has to have collaboration embedded in the culture so that it serves as a competitive improvement. That is why members of the defense forces have been fortifying synergy in all aspects to make their country well developed and prospered enough.

Staying with The Ethiopian Press Agency, Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT) journalist and political analyst, Petros Mesfin said that TPLF has tried to make all Ethiopians departed not to effectively communicate ideas with one another, develop suspicion to add fuel to fire on conflicts, not to cooperate and have power in due course of dealing with problems and ups and downs etc. For the last close to three decades; such a cruel conspiracy however has not gone far as all citizens have been well aware of the deceitful tactics of the terrorist TPLF cemented by falsehood fabrication and wrong narratives.

Such a smart thinking is now prolific and further glues all Ethiopians to move in unison in a bid to struggle against the terrorist TPLF and bury it once and for all.

Petros further stated that standing together for all Ethiopians at this critical time is gaining momentum and being an incomparable means to do away with the terrorist junta thereby pushing the country to the next level of success.

“The terrorist enterprise has attempted to systematically destroy the unity of citizens, develop hatred and rivalry among them as well as create chaos and turmoil in the midst of the generation, but their cooperation, unity, thinking about one another, fraternity and the likes have been booming leaving the former’s all-rounded conspiracy aside,” he said.

He said, “Ethiopians are well known for their harmony and guild against those who have tried to belittle their country though they do have minor differences. Recognizing that, there is no other enemy for all Ethiopians these days except the terrorist TPLF and its horse Shenie as they have been killing, looting, torturing and belittling the Sidama, Amhara, Oromo, Wolaita, Agew peoples, among others during their stay in power and even at present, the defense force, states’ special forces, the entire community at the vicinity of the war fronts have consolidated unity and confidently protected their country from internal and external foes.”

According to Petros, Ethiopians from corner to corner are cooperatively moving to deep bury terrorist TPLF and its remnants far. This entrenched togetherness has been bearing fruits as all citizens have decided on the terrorist to be buried for good using the collaborative efforts of all Ethiopians.

Equipping all walks of life with the weapon of cooperation is an incomparable means to make a difference. Not only could such a synergy be a viable means to defeat enemies in the battle field but it is also highly essential in overcoming a range of social, economic and other related hurdles the country has been facing these days, he said.

This means that empowering people through organized and collaborative manner is critical for achieving poverty eradication. They need to be made aware of their rights and entitlements, equipped with skills to make informed choice and negotiate for their rights and have access to resources for their development.

As far as the overall feature of cooperation is portrayed right now concerned, Petros elucidated that there is another dimension of cooperation for rescuing the nation from being dismantled. It is the united and well organized move of the entire population throughout the country against the betrayals and for the defense force.

This unity has been reflected through various means. To mention but a few: citizens of every state have rallied to express their respect and support for the Defense Forces, special forces, and militia stationed at the forefronts. A number or people have been donating blood to these forces sacrificing life at war fronts. Almost all citizens are soliciting fund to back the defense forces as well as the rural community, apart from financially contributing their share to the effort geared towards safeguarding the sovereignty of the nation and respecting its national interest, is tilling, weeding and nurturing the farm lands of those who have marched to protect their county.

Generally, Ethiopia is endowed with a hospitable, cooperative, civic-minded, productive and patriotic citizenry keeping other things as they are. This harmonious and integrated social consistency would help the nation have what it has aspired for long using people’s experience, skill, knowledge, expertise and wisdom via positively tapping and channeling their energy, intelligence and capacity.

Mentality for unity and cooperation emanates from individual’s mind setup when the posterity is grown through being fed love of country, societal affection, the merits of making synergy and the indispensableness of a country as it is entirely unattainable to run any activity without it.

What has been reflected by all security forces with a special emphasis to the defense force is the deeply rooted love for the country. Really, what exhibited on the side of these forces is a clear manifestation of Ethiopians firm unity, and is a boldly written emblem of Ethiopians mosaic feature tantamount a handloom framed from a variety of colors and bedecked with their stylistic pattern.

The Ethiopian Herald August 21/2021

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