There is no excuse to ignore rape

August 13, 2021. The heavy rain that was pouring down in Woldiya Town, Semien Wollo Zone in Amhara State, frustrated and left villagers sleepless. Even though it was nearly midnight, the rain... Read more »

Targeting schools is ‘war crime’

It is an agreed convention that schools and health facilities are among institutions that are considered as zones of peace, where children and patients are granted protection even in times of conflict.... Read more »

Unreserved determination, indomitable spirit

Last week, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced his decision to head to the warfront and lead the war from frontlines. “The time has come to lead the country with sacrifice. Those who... Read more »

Ethiopians are always Ethiopians

 “I may live in the USA but my story began in Ethiopia,” read one of the placards carried at recent rallies held at the USA by Ethiopians, Africans and Ethiopia’s friends. The... Read more »

Together, nothing is impossible

Following the war induced by the terrorist TPLF enterprise in the northern part of Ethiopia, Amhara and Afar states, the interferences of some states and foreign media houses in Ethiopia’s internal affairs... Read more »

“A better future for every child”

International conventions and agreements state that every child has the right to live a life that is free from any form of violence,menace or any acts that can imperil their lives. As... Read more »

Commitment is source of inspiration, success

Most of us may consider social media, including web-based and mobile technologies, as platforms that we only use them for fun, chatting and spend time simply. We may think them as social... Read more »

‘There is no pride in deploying child soldiers’

Peace for me is going to school, be with friends and playing,” says Asya Ahmed, 11, who is forced to flee from her living area and settle in new environment because of... Read more »

Real men don’t rape or abuse women

“While women remain a minority of combatants and perpetrators of war, they increasingly suffer the greatest harm,” said the veteran editor at the African Woman and Child FeatureService, Jane Godia, in an... Read more »

Revitalizing the spirit of Adwa

 “We may not appreciate it right now, but Ethiopians are fighting an African war. America knows the door to Africa is thru Ethiopia. If they can subdue Ethiopia, the rest will bow... Read more »