Targeting schools is ‘war crime’

It is an agreed convention that schools and health facilities are among institutions that are considered as zones of peace, where children and patients are granted protection even in times of conflict.

Under international humanitarian law, these facilities are protected civilian objects. However, in several occasions, there is an increasing trend of schools and hospitals being attacked with detrimental effects on this section. The incidents witnessed in Ethiopia owing to the destructive intents of the terrorist TPLF faction are clear indicators for this.

Since the terrorist TPLF enflamed war and expanded to adjacent areas of the Amhara and Afar states, many schools and health facilities were looted and destroyed.

As it was reported, following the invasion of the terrorist group in Amhara and Afar states, 40 hospitals, 453 health centers 1,850 health pots 466 private health facilities 4 blood banks had been plundered and damaged.

With regard to plundered and destroyed education institutions, Amhara State Bureau said that following the destructive acts of the terrorist enterprise in the State, over 1.8 million students are compelled to be out of school, most of them subjected to psychological trauma.

Amhara State Education Bureau Head Matebe Tafere (Dr.) noted that over 4 thousand schools are damaged 116 teachers are out of work. To refurbish the facilities and resume the teaching-learning process, it requires 11 million Birr, he further noted.

“The junta turned Schools into fields. Worse than that, it has done activities that deviated from the cultural value of Ethiopian aside from abolishing the facilities. It has also left undesirable scar on generation’s history,” he added.

In his daily briefing to media this week, Government Communication Service Minister Dr. Legesse Tulu said that coordinated efforts are underway to put in place ways to collect data that sustained in the conflict areas, and file them in a well-organized fashion.

Education Minister Prof. Birhanu Nega on his part said that the terrorist group has proved the level of its wickedness through destroying education institutions.

Visiting totally and partially damaged schools in Amhara State, North Wollo Zone along with Ministry’s staff and management of the Amhara State Education Bureau, Prof. Birhanu said that even external enemies cannot cause damage worse than the terrorist group has perpetrated.

The wicked acts of the faction show as it did not come to plunder; but also to destroy facilities and cause more harm on the government and the general public.

One can simply state how the group is heinous and callous to Amhara and Afar peoples and determined to destroy Ethiopia.

As to the terrorists, their aim of destroying schools was to impede the teaching-learning process though they could not succeed in it. Hereafter, our assignment would be refurbishing the schools in a better manner than before and engage student in their education promptly.

Renovating the schools and returning millions of children who are currently out of school to the classroom is a priority agenda for the government. The government is working to make sure these schools are refurbished in a swift way, he added.

He also underlined the critical importance of stakeholders’ cooperation and involvement in the refurbishing efforts.

In a platform organized at Bahir Dar City Education Minister Prof. Birhanu noted that the government is committed to speeding up the effort and letting the posterities resume their education sooner.

He also urged communities and stakeholders to partake in the efforts in ensuring the set standards of the construction of schools and let the teaching-learning quality education be guaranteed.

“The government gives prime focus on refurbishing the damaged schools, determined to foil the attack of the terrorist TPLF faction that aimed to subjugate the peace-loving people.

Amhara State Education Bureau Matebe Tafere (Dr.) for his part noted that over 4 thousand schools are damaged and 116 teachers are out of work. He further stated that to refurbishing the institutions and resuming the teaching-learning process requires 11 million

Schools should be safe places for children to learn and play, even in a conflict zone. Targeting schools and use them for military and military related services is a war crime.



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