Commitment is source of inspiration, success

Most of us may consider social media, including web-based and mobile technologies, as platforms that we only use them for fun, chatting and spend time simply. We may think them as social networking to bully, tagging and disseminate falsehood.

Even if these things are immensely observed and often times the media have been misused contrary to the purposes they are created, their incalculable benefits are changing the world rapidly and interconnecting the global community as one. Through their numerous constructive outcomes – in terms of sharing and discussing information, (business information exchange, education and communication), strengthening social interaction through words, pictures, films, and music, they are incalculably advancing global knowledge and technologies.

When we come to our country, social media are impacting the people both constructively and destructively, especially, at this point in time. Aside from the destructive one, it is also creating forum that gets together Ethiopians living at home and abroad and who have the same kindred spirit. Through using this platform, Facebook, they have enabled to commence a task that would have been more unyielding without it – to backing the Ethiopian National Defense Forces and contribute their share through preparing dried food.

As it is learnt, five female journalists, Defense Forces TV Major General Woinhareg Bekele, ESAT journalist Yemesrach Atnafu, Azeb Tamiru, Rose Mestika and Simegn Gizaw were able to utilize the social media, Facebook, get together several people and prepare dried food for members of the army who fighting with the terrorist TPLF and sacrificing their life to defend the country.

It was Facebook that teams up all the five journalists; to realize the idea of backing the army which was initially originated by the well-known journalist, Simegn Gizaw.

Simegn though is currently working as the Communications Advisor to Urban Development and Infrastructure Minister, she is well known in the literary world, especially for her poetry.

As she uttered to EPA, her literary works has enabled her to have over 8,000 followers on social media.

It was on one Saturday, November 8, 2021, the idea of supporting the army has come to her mind.

As to her, the country is in war and a large number of our sisters are sacrificing their life along with their counterparts at the battlefields to defend the territorial integrity of the country.

Thus, women, who are residing in the city, even if they don’t go to on the battlefield, they have to do something, show solidarity and togetherness to the army. And this can be realized through preparing dried food for the army.

She did not spend a time she wrote on her Facebook page and urged her fellow people to backing the army.

“Why don’t we women prepare food for our army?” She did not think to get such instant response from the people. Patriotic Ethiopians who are residing at home and abroad responded to her quest swiftly and dramatically.

On Saturday, the idea entertained simply as it was originated. The five female journalists agreed to share this scared idea through their social pages and they posted it separately.

The other issue that required their decision was type of food to prepare. Whether it is Kolo, Besso or what? On those three days the encouraging feedback, the journalists received from local people and abroad were too enormous.

“The idea of preparing dried food for the army is wonderful. We are by the side of you. What can we do to help you?” and the like encouraging comments started flowing uninterruptedly. In fact, this may not be surprising as it is the true identity and culture of Ethiopians.

“Those requesting for our bank account were many. Even if we told them as we haven’t yet opened, they couldn’t agree with that. They urged us to text them urgently,” said Simegn while she is expressing how they were committed and volunteered to back the army.

As to her, there were also countless citizens who have expressed their sorrow via phone, text, and telephone with regard to the current situation in the country.

The idea that was generated simply by the journalist sparked massive movement on the social media. It also compelled the journalists to meet face-to-face and discussed on the issue thoroughly; and they did it.

“We are women and mothers. The request we made to support the army should be named after motherland,” they said and opened a bank account opened an account on Tuesday. They also announced plans to produce 100 quintals of Besso for the army.

The number of volunteers who are saying “I will cover the expense of this and that, add this one and that” increased. In the same way, those who are standing by the side of journalists with a common understanding and transferring money to cover the expenses of some type of item heightened.

Finally last Saturday, November 13, 2021, the preparation was officially launched in Arada Sub-City.

According to Simegn, it was the most impressing moment for her.

“We can’t put it into words. It was a moment that we have seen in practice what it means to be an Ethiopian,” she said happily.

It was merely in three days; the journalists were able to realize their ideas and collect over 350,000 Birr in cash from home and abroad using Facebook apart from donation in-kind and the pledges made by different individuals. Even the cash deposit it is donated by Ethiopians has continued.

Speaking on the event, Major General Tiruye Assefe Director of the Women’s Affairs Directorate with the FDRE Defense Forces, on her part said that the support of women, both in warfront along with their brothers and in the preparation of food for the army should be strengthened to prevent the attack the terrorist faction may carry out in the cities.




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