Ethiopians are always Ethiopians

 “I may live in the USA but my story began in Ethiopia,” read one of the placards carried at recent rallies held at the USA by Ethiopians, Africans and Ethiopia’s friends.

The “No more” movement was organized with the aim of condemning the intervention of West in the internal affairs of Ethiopia, opposing the ongoing Western media disinformation campaign, Western economic warfare, diplomatic propaganda and military interventions as well as denouncing the support the western give to the terrorist Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

The movement has got together Ethiopians, Africans and Ethiopia’s friends and compelled them to unite and stand as one.

As, it is witnessed from the participants and their deep emotions speaks vividly, even if they are currently living in overseas comfortably and satisfyingly, their motherland in which they were born, grew up and spend both the bad and good moments is still within their heart entrenching too deeply.

That is why, they carried the slogan “I may live in the USA but my story began in Ethiopia.”

“My fellow Ethiopians here and in the Diaspora, your role in telling the world the truth is commendable. In unity, we can overcome the existential threat this ancient nation is confronted with by forces far and near. As children of Adwa, we will carry Ethiopia resiliently onwards twitted Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed following the “No more” movement held all over the world.

True, we are all Ethiopians. No matter what our ethnic background or religion is, no matter what our political ideology and differences are, standing together and sacrificing our blood for the sake of our country is the only alternative and the least we can do to defend our motherland, Ethiopia.

Any form of aggression and attempt that aims to twist government’s hand through plotting with traitors to dismantle the country would not yield any good and Ethiopians would not allow that. Rather they prefer to die.

“Ethiopia will not destabilize or fall under the influence of its internal traitors or historic enemies. We will defend and honor it with our blood. All Ethiopians prefer to die to see his/her country attacks by its enemies. And, I too assure you that I prefer to sacrifice my life and defend my country,” said Mayor Adanech Abiebie.

As to her, the sacrifice we are paying today is not only to secure our country, but it is also to curb the ill intents of those entities who are aspiring to impose their will on us, and honor those who paid their lives for our freedom.

This is not the right time to sit idle. Wake up, stand up and let us stand in front of our internal enemies who are joining hands with our historic entities and working untiringly to dismantle the country with courage, commitment and with a sense of patriotism and bury them for once and for all, she urged.

Ethiopian Diasporas living all over the world should also said ‘no’ to all accounts carried out on Ethiopia and you should further strengthen your struggle, Mayor Adanech added.

We have to stand to defend the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ethiopia. Putting aside the matters that may differentiate us; but focusing on what unites and bind us, which is Ethiopia and Ethiopianism, we should stand together pave the way for change and herald Ethiopia’s renaissance.



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