Unreserved determination, indomitable spirit

Last week, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced his decision to head to the warfront and lead the war from frontlines.

“The time has come to lead the country with sacrifice. Those who want to be among the Ethiopian children, who will be hailed by history, rise up for your country today. Let’s meet at the battlefront,” he had twitted before heading to the front.

The Premier did not simply utter that just to say it; but he has also kept his words and left to the warfront to direct the army from frontlines and by doing so to save his motherland, Ethiopia, by battering the remnants of the terrorist TPLF and its associates.

As many people agreed, the PM has practically demonstrated his commitment, perseverance and patriotic valiance by heading directly to warfronts. He has also testified what the true sense of Ethiopianism is- not only for Ethiopians and Ethiopia’s friends; but also for those who oppose him and doubt his words.

Most importantly, he has aroused a patriotic sentiment among Ethiopians. Government officials and celebrities among others have also continued joining the army heeded the call made by the Premier.

According to Ahmed Nuresali, Afar State Urban Development and Construction Bureau Head, Prime Minister Abiy’s decision to go to the warfront to lead the army has elevated the morale and spirit of Afar people and further initiated them to thwart the terrorist faction, bury the group and register additional victory.

Not only that, it has also energized state’s leaders and individual celebrities to stand for the same purpose.

Underlining that the people of Afar are fighting persistently and beating the TPLF terrorist group unreservedly, he said, however, Premier’s move to warfront would further invigorate the peoples’ spirit and drive them to register additional glittering victories over the enemies.

“Premier’s decision, apart from completely wiping out the white lies that the terrorist forces disseminated, would cement Ethiopians’ unity and togetherness in thwarting the terrorist enterprise for once and for all, Ahmed remarked.

Seconding Ahmed’s view, Mohammed Ahmed, Trade and Investment Bureau Head of Afar State, said that Premier’s decision demonstrates his commitment and deep love for his country and his people. He has practically attested his leadership qualities.

Besides, the determination of high government officials to head to warfronts following in the footsteps of the PM is also critical to resolve matters that require immediate solutions, he remarked.

He also urged Ethiopians to stand together and bury the terrorist group within a short period of time which is already dwindling steadily.

The call Prime Minister Abiy has extended for Africans and all black people across the world would also revitalize the movement of Pan Africanism and strengthen bonds of solidarity between all black people.

According to Ass Prof. Ahmed Zekaria, historian, Premier’s call for black peoples has its own substantial role in terms of reviving the Movement of Pan Africanism which was almost in enfeebled state.

Mentioning Ethiopia’s role in the 1960s with regard to being a pioneer for most African countries to lay the foundation to break the chain of colonialists, he said several African countries consider Ethiopia as an insignia of freedom and unity.

Abiy’s call for Africans targets to unite against Westerns, who still aspire to colonize again and inflict a yoke of slavery on Africans. As a result, most of African countries have accepted it positively and are responding accordingly, he added.

Tadesses Gebre, Semien Shoa Zone Administer also said that Premier’s move to go to battlefield to direct the army has created greater morale for the army, the youth and the general public. This has also enabled to register victory over the enemy.

Athlete Feyisa Lelisa is one of the heroes who follow in the footsteps of the Premier. He said: “Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has made a right decision. And, I am ready to draw inspirations from gallantry of my forefathers and repeat what they did in the Battle of Adwa at frontline to save my country”.

The renowned Olympic gold medalist Athlete Haile Gebreselassie is the other hero who decided to join the army and fight the terrorist group. Though he believed sport was about peace and love, he has to defend his country from any threat.

“What would you do when the existence of a country is at stake? You just put down everything. Alas, nothing will bind you. I am sorry; told the Reuters News Agency.

“Ethiopia is a country that contributed a lot to Africa and the entire continent,” he said. “Yes, it is an exemplary country. Kneeling Ethiopia is indirectly kneeling the rest. This is impossible.”

“There is no way that I can sit here due to fear because it will come to my door. It will come to my house. We wouldn’t know when it comes. We wouldn’t know who will do what,” he added.

The courageous move of Prime Minister Abiy’s also narrated by foreign media outlets. As AFP stated interviewing new recruits, they are encouraged further by PM’s decision. “When a leader leaves his chair, and his throne it is to rescue his country. His focus is not to live, but to rescue this country, and I sobbed when he said ‘follow me’ and went to the front line,” 42-year-old driver Tesfaye Sherefa, told to AFP news agency

The recruits in Kolfe nevertheless took his statement to heart, sporting T-shirts emblazoned with a picture of Abiy in uniform and the words “We have a historic responsibility to defend the free name of Ethiopia.”

“I feel proud and I stand with him,” 25-year-old Esubalew Wale, another recruit, told for this same news agency.

True, unexaggeratedly, this is the real nature of Ethiopians. When their country’s territorial integrity is threatened and the sovereignty of the nation is endangered, Ethiopians do not sit back and allow others to get on with it. Rather, their sacrifice their lives to defend their country.


The Ethiopian  Herald 28 November  2021

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