“I’ll do anything in my capacity to save Ethiopia”: Syrian migrant

“Your country would not be merely a place where you were born, spent your childhood and raised a family. In a situation when our Arab brothers let us down, Ethiopia has opened its door and welcomed us warmly. Ethiopia is my second home next to Syria. I would do anything to my capacity to save Ethiopia because I have number of reasons” said Münzer Godan Mulish, a Syrian migrant in Addis Ababa.

In an interview with local media, Münzer said that Syria was one of the peaceful and lovely countries in the world. Its citizens had been leading peaceful life before its internal traitors and external enemies disrupted the peace and security of the people and disintegrated the country. The political conspiracy and the on-going civil war push the people of Syria towards atrocities, strife, and lastly compelled them to migrate and seek asylum in other countries. Its enemies have orchestrated unending war in the country, he added.

As to Münzer, next to Syria, Ethiopia is his second country and he is ready to give his life to defend it from enemies. Therefore, there is no joke with Ethiopia. Ethiopia is always a winner, he said.

“The western countries have now controlled Syrians’ natural resources. It is obvious that they want our resource; not the peace of Syrians. You do not know why they killed you in your country. Because they never want to see the prosperity of the country and its people,” he said.

According to him, the westerns fear Ethiopia’s socio-economic development. Thus, they strive to crush the country’s socio-economic development aspirations. They believe that if Ethiopia develops and becomes self-reliant, it will lead other African countries to say “No more neo-colonialism” and start their own journey towards prosperity. The main reason behind their conspiracies is to disrupt the narration of self-development and hamper utilization of own resources properly.

Ethiopia is the first country that said no to neo-colonialism and won the Fascist Italian aggressors at the Battle of Adwa, which is marked as a glittering victory not only for Ethiopians; but for all black people against white supremacy. All Africans should also backing Ethiopia’s effort and stand by its side.

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is the largest project that will enable the country to win poverty and leads the country towards sustainable development by exporting power to its neighbouring countries, which is a move that nation’s enemies do not want to see it happen, he noted.

“The Arabs never opened their door to us though they are our closely related brother. In this time of need, they ignored us deliberately. Therefore, we migrate to Ethiopia by crossing long distances where we have now find real brothers and sisters who have shown us solidarity, dignity and support.

Mentioning the historic favour that the Muslim world owes to Ethiopia at the time of Al-Nejashi, and the current heartfelt and warm reception Ethiopians have extended to Syrian refuges, Münzer said: “We never tolerate those who attack Ethiopia. I will march to the battlefield to defend Ethiopia.”

As to Münzer, Ethiopians should take lesson from Syria and stand together to defend their countries from its internal and external enemies. They have to support Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in every possible way because he is a leader who has shown his commitment, enthusiasm and nationalistic zeal to his country in practice; apart from striving day in day out to prosper the nation. “The Premier is an icon of Ethiopians’ devotion, commitment, sense of patriotism to their homeland.”

According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reports, Syrians are leaving their homes when life becomes unbearable. And the major cause of Syrians migration is fear of losing their life due to crisis that is interrelated with internal and external political gambling. Some of the top reasons they cite include ethnic, tribal, and religious violence. Since the Syrian civil war began, over 606,000 people have been killed, including more than 25,000 children.



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