Together, nothing is impossible

Following the war induced by the terrorist TPLF enterprise in the northern part of Ethiopia, Amhara and Afar states, the interferences of some states and foreign media houses in Ethiopia’s internal affairs is growing to the level of aspiring to regime change scenario and unconditional ceasefire agreements.

Standing in favor of the terrorist TPLF group, and targeting to create blurred picture with regard to the current situation in Ethiopia, especially in Addis Ababa, the West and their affiliated media houses are attempting untiringly to terrify Ethiopians and foreigners residing in the capital.

Worse than this, deliberately ignoring the provocative and inhuman acts of the terrorist junta; turning deaf ears and blind eyes to the crime perpetrated by members of the terrorist faction against innocent civilians, President Biden and his administration are framing their own agendas to realize their interest, which is absurd.

Opposing this injustice, recently hundred million voices across the globe have urged (and still they are urging) USA and its associates to stop all the unjustifiable interferences, and misinformation campaigns upheld on Ethiopia.

In these historic incidents carried out in 27 different cities around the world, Ethiopians, Africans and non-African Ethiopia’s friends living abroad have come out as one community and shown their solidarity and togetherness for Ethiopia.

In all gatherings, the Green, Yellow and Red color flags of Ethiopia as well as “No more!” placards were seen high above and many powerful sounds were reverberating the name Ethiopia loudly.

On the occasion, demonstrators denounced the United States’ Government and some international media houses for siding with TPLF and jerked media coverage approaches, intentionally downplaying the activities and the efforts of the Federal Government undertaken to restore peace and security thereby defend the country.

The demonstrators have condemned the destructive intervention of the Biden administrator saying boldly ‘No more’.

“US policy has actually been very consistent for the last 40 years when it comes to the Horn of Africa, Keep Them Divided. They have supported various people at various times but it all boils down to, Keep Them Divided, said Eugene Puryea an American journalist, author, activist, and politician while speaking at ‘No More’ rally organized in one of the cites in US to denounce the meddling of America.

Following the rallies held at different cities, Ethiopian Ambassador Fitsum Arega tweeted as the day is a historic and an important one in the history of Ethiopian Diasporas. “A Historic and momentous day in Ethiopia diaspora,” he applauds. “Tens of thousands in 27 cities around the world came out as one community to show their solidarity for Ethiopian unity, sovereignty and dignity. We stand as one. Today Diaspora Ethiopians made history by roaring out NoMore. Kudos to all!” he tweeted:

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed also tweeted on his page emphasizing the importance of Medemer (togetherness) and cooperation between the people and the government.

The principle of Medemer is about abolishing divisive walls and come together in unity and solidarity. “In the regional integration efforts we have made over the past three years, promoting people to people relations were decisive. My appreciation goes to Ethiopians and Diasporas in the Horn of Africa who follow and stand together in the principle of Medemer.” he said.

Dawit Bekele is a resident of Jimma Town, Ethiopia. According to him, the Biden administration and its allies should stop their destructive agendas on Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a sovereign country and Ethiopians have recently reelected their leader Prime Minster Abiy Ahmed and his administration peacefully and democratically to run office. At this junction, USA should back the efforts of the nation.

As to him, America should respect the voice of hundreds of millions of Ethiopians. It should also show courage to abide by the values of democracy and humanity. Meddling in the internal affairs of countries and promoting destructive lies and propagandas is unacceptable at all as it is improbable and at the same time unviable.

Meanwhile, the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) revealed its stands in uncompromising opposition to the U.S.-led unwarranted intervention against Ethiopia and by extension to the strategic Horn of Africa region.

In a statement the alliance issued recently, it stated that U.S. policy against Ethiopia cannot be understood without putting it within the broader context of U.S. imperialism’s geostrategic interest in the region particularly and the whole of Africa in general.

In spite of its benevolent rhetoric, the U.S.’ unwavering commitment to full spectrum dominance reveals the only true intentions it has for Ethiopia and for our homeland, Africa. Since the 1950s African movements against colonialism and for continental unity, have been sabotaged by U.S. administrations of both parties.

The current war orchestrated on Ethiopia is not only targeting Ethiopia and Ethiopians. It goes further and affects the Horn, the region and even the whole continent of Africa. So, this is the right time for all African countries to unit, to say ‘No more’ and defend for their dignity and freedom. Since freedom is not free, we have to struggle for it.

In fact, as Obang Metho, human rights defender and peace activist twitted on his social page, the majority of Ethiopians are not asking the US to do the work for them, but they are requesting America and other foreigners who are interfering in the Ethiopia internal affairs by supporting the TPLF terrorist group to stop creating obstacles to their freedom.

In real sense, the supports these forces are giving to the terrorist TPLF faction and the unsubstantiated white lies the media outlets spread against Ethiopia would yield no good apart from exacerbating the conflict; and encouraging the traitors to cause more harm.



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