Watch where you try to put ‘THE KNEE’

 Ephrem Endale  Contributer  There is one glaring fact about us Africans. We don’t know that much about each other. We are strangers to each other when it comes to history, culture and... Read more »

The dangers are real!

A friend and I had to go to a certain organization on an important matter. Outside the doors a water bucket meant to help guests wash their hands when they entered. One... Read more »

Angry Becky…a ‘household’ name!

“Why was Becky Anderson angry?” This was a question raised when a few of us were discussing ‘THAT’ interview on CNN a few days back; It was simple to answer and difficult... Read more »

The truth would come calling

A thousand thanks to Andrew Korybko for his piece “Expect An Intensification Of Information Warfare Against Ethiopia” It is already rumbling along on the highest gear possible. The American Hybrid War on... Read more »

“And Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hands”

Truth be told, we’ve completely stopped being surprised by the double standard, bigoted and, yes, racist political shenanigans from sections of the Western political elites and media-for-hire. Since Ethiopia unilaterally declared ceasefire... Read more »

No one dare touch me!

This happened only a few days back. The guy was in some real trouble; the sort of trouble that leads one to wonder “How the hell is going to go out of... Read more »

Keep the Hope-Crashers at Bay!

 In her early twenties she’s one determined lady who would plan something and go about accomplishing it. Not that she always succeeds, but she never gave up without first trying. But she... Read more »

Dear Brad, this is not about you!

 Ephrem Endale Contributer  A few of us were talking about the scale and absurdity of the foreign inference in the internal affairs of this country. The discussions were good in more ways... Read more »

People are Angry!

People are angry. I mean really angry! As the days pass outlooks of the world and some of its major players are shifting in ways we wouldn’t have imagined a couple of... Read more »

What is REALLY going on behind the closed doors?

Ephrem Endale Contributer  Just listen to the rhetoric of the past several days. Especially, a top official said that they’ll to “bury Ethiopians.” Hey, anybody home? A few weeks back an Ethiopian... Read more »