People are Angry!

People are angry.

I mean really angry! As the days pass outlooks of the world and some of its major players are shifting in ways we wouldn’t have imagined a couple of years back.

“You know the rains should have stopped but they didn’t.”

“Well, it happens once in a while.

“That’s what you think?”

“Yes, once in a while the rainy season drags on some more weeks.”

“That’s the problem with you people.”

This lady is not to blame us for the additional rainy days! Is she?

“I’m telling you it’s a conspiracy.”


The ferengi are doing it.”


 “Haven’t you ever heard that they control the weather?”

“Well, I have; but not to this extent!”

“That’s what they’re doing; manipulating the weather to hurt us. They could do anything they want.”

Yes, people are so angry!

Look, our mistrust and distrust of the ferengis have heightened over the past several months and there seems to be no slowing down. Of course, by some ‘ruling of fate’ the unfair and horribly biased accusations against us on the global stage is so white, don’t blame us for thinking as such. But then some of our earnest defenders have also been ferengis who hold no camouflaged agenda than standing for the truth and making sure the world is informed. God save us from generalizations! Nothing could be more damaging.

Yes, people are angry!

 Hollywood be damned! That’s the verdict. All those worlds of the fair and the righteous, the brave and the blessed which have been pumped into our minds for decades are slowly withering away as reality hits with full force. What you see isn’t what you get!

You don’t know which genes to bring into play; At times you’re so pissed your imagination takes flight and it’s “How I want those people….!”

There seem to be too many people who think they’re blessed with some ‘Midas Touch!’ They expect you to jump every time they make any sound, even sneeze! They think because they have the money and can call the shots. They can enslave your mind and your soul. They think that they have some divine approval for treating the world anyway they like. They think that the poorer nations are they have to kneel down and vow, “As you say, so it’ll be my lord!”

 Hollywood be damned! That’s the verdict. All those worlds of the fair and the righteous, the brave and the blessed which have been pumped into our minds for decades are slowly withering away as reality hits with full force. What you see isn’t what you get!

You don’t know which genes to bring into play; At times you’re so pissed your imagination takes flight and it’s “How I want those people….!”

There seem to be too many people who think they’re blessed with some ‘Midas Touch!’ They expect you to jump every time they make any sound, even sneeze! They think because they have the money and can call the shots. They can enslave your mind and your soul. They think that they have some divine approval for treating the world anyway they like. They think that the poorer nations are they have to kneel down and vow, “As you say, so it’ll be my lord!”

 Sorry to say it, this world is filled with out and out crooks posing as opticians, media people, activists, humanitarian workers, and what have you. That’s what they are, unrepentant crooks!

Look come to think of its challenges aren’t new to this country. We had more than our share of sell-outs. What makes things different this time around is that every veil behind which the ill-witted and biased hide is being torn apart and the world is seeing them for what they are. What makes things different this time around is the ‘stakeholders’ have multiplied. We never thought so many have appointed themselves as direct influencers in our affairs. We never thought so many would slide to the level of third-rate cheerleaders applauding the marauding of the house of truth and fairness.

Yes, people are angry!

The Ethiopian Herald October 17/2021

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