The dangers are real!

A friend and I had to go to a certain organization on an important matter. Outside the doors a water bucket meant to help guests wash their hands when they entered. One thing about this quite sizable bucket, which had the signs of having seen much better days, is that it the last thing you want to set your eyes on. Dusty and left to rot and perhaps rust, you would be pardoned to suspect many it was salvaged from some garbage dump. By the way the buckets in front of many buildings are in the same condition. It’s as if no one wanted to touch them while they were put there in the first place for a reason, and a lofty one at that.

My friend, not my kind of drab uninteresting fellow whispers he might as well try an experiment to see how the doormen would react. He goes directly to the bucket walking like a self-styled king of a teenager going on his first date. (You remember how you were acting on your first, don’t you? Come on, how can you forget it! Al least, that’s one good memory to drive away all bad memories!) My friend turns the tap with some difficulty. Of course nothing comes out. I was watching the doormen, and what were they doing? Smiling, of course! The doormen who were supposed to tip those responsible were having a few good minutes at the expense of my willing-dude friend. They seem to be saying, “Look at that moron! How can he think any sane person would put water in that?” My friend called out to the doormen. “There’s no more water in this bucket!” as if he was shouting some sort of “Eureka!” One of them just shrugged his shoulders and that was answer enough. Not that my friend expected any; but in his own way he was trying to make an important point. Poor fellow! Next time we meet I’ll tell him to go, try his luck somewhere else! This one wasn’t working.

Many months back the whole city was abuzz with such activities. People were really worried about the pandemic and doing their best in sticking to WHO guidelines and the advice of local health professionals. Cleanliness was the order of the day. Many didn’t leave home without sanitizer or alcohol. Seeing people without masks in the streets let alone within some sort of enclosing was a rare experience.

Are you worried as I am? I mean about this pandemic. A friend across the oceans was telling me there were signs of sort of a pandemic resurgence and they are doing all they can do to prevent it. And what do we do back here, stand face to face with the virus and threaten it with “You talking to me!” Yes we’re in very dire straits numerous money fronts. But we can’t turn our backs on the pandemic as the price to pay in case of significant worsening could be beyond the imagination of many of us.

I’d like to see more practical action from officials and other stakeholders. At least they should try to enforce the rules and regulations issued over and again! Yes sir, you should be worried! We should be worried! The dangers are real!


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