Watch where you try to put ‘THE KNEE’

 Ephrem Endale  Contributer

 There is one glaring fact about us Africans. We don’t know that much about each other. We are strangers to each other when it comes to history, culture and what have you. In recent days I’ve been surfing the web trying to see what ordinary Africans think about what is going on in this country. It proved to be an ‘epiphany’ of sorts; despite the unceasing fake news barrage of the western media Africans KNOW what is actually going on. They know that the ramifications are continent wide and not restricted within the Ethiopian borders. Many are speaking loud the fate of Africa is intertwined with the fate of Ethiopia. The social media is abuzz with Africans and people from other parts of the world commenting on the West’s riddle-filled treatment of Ethiopia.

After watching one of the numerous ‘hit-them-hard’ reports on Ethiopia on the Middle Eastern channel a frustrated African write; “Al Jazeera’s bias is blatant & makes the problems worse. Shame on them! 80 percent of eligible voters did so in the recent election – Abiy Ahmed won by a huge majority. The international community should respect this outcome.”

It will stay a riddle for some time to come as to how the western world, never tired of crying at the top of their voices about democracy and fair elections are still mute about the Ethiopian elections! What logic could explain that? It was an election that sent the doomsayers to their foxholes, humiliated western analysts in ways they seldom experience and proved to the world that not only Ethiopia, but Africa too could hold fair and free elections! Never forget it is no other than President Obama (one person Ethiopians misread) who gave the thumbs up to one of the most corrupt ‘elections’ the world has ever seen. But truth be spoken and we don’t care! We no longer need anyone’s approval to how we go about our own businesses.

One strange thing about this particular channel it is not a new game for them. It is not that they have been stating on the shadows and suddenly burst out. No! Since years back they have been under the spotlight trying to dump as much fake news garbage as they came manage on Ethiopia. One would be pardoned to think, “Maybe there’s some in-house amendment to their ‘editorial policy’ saying “All-out, sustained offensive against Ethiopia!”

Another African writes, “They have greatly underestimated the spirit of Ethiopians. The more you hit them the stronger they get.” Hasn’t that been the case throughout history? Ours is a nation which never invaded any sovereign country but has to endure the invasions of many in its long history. But none, absolutely none of them have managed to finally put it on its knees however hard the sufferings. Because as African brother said it, “The more you hit them the stronger they get.”

“United for Africa, let’s support Ethiopia; they are fighting the hybrid war of western imperialism.”

Here is an American making his voice heard; “Ethiopians in America be conscious of the black experience of America and don’t expect any help from Uncle Sam; he is the problem.” Hmmm.

This comes from another American; “Ethiopia you absolutely better NOT let the US “government” get involved in this situation. I’m telling you all right now the US “government” has NEVER and will NEVER have good intentions towards Ethiopia and even Africa as a whole.” Thanks a lot.

Another one wrote “Yes the war was started when TPLF (a small group of people from Tigray who ruled Ethiopia with an iron fist for 27 years) attacked the Northern command on November 4th, 2021. Now USA is helping these terrorists to fight against Ethiopians.”

“I am an African and love Mama Africa no matter what, my brothers and sisters in Ethiopia know that you’re not alone, we support and love you. Together we’ll win.” For all willing to open their eyes and ears to what actually is happening, these comments have a lot to tell. The Ethiopian cause having become an African cause Africans tired of centuries and decades of ill-treatment are saying “Enough is enough.” It is a movement that will surely gain momentum in the coming years as Africa tries to take its rightful place on the world stage and ensure its freedom to the final word in its internal affairs.

One African wasn’t that happy to see the US diplomat in the land of Jomo Kenyatta! “Anthony Blinken what’s up with this pseudo humanitarianism on your part? You well know if your government wants to stop the war they could by not standing with a terrorist group TPLF that terrorized Ethiopia for 27 years and wants to come back to power by force.” Yes, Africans are being informed about the real picture behind the curtain.

Another person was somewhat sarcastic; “Whatever his name is, he acts like Ethiopia is a part of USA.” What an observation!

 I’ve to admit those words never crossed me, acting like “Ethiopia is part of the USA!’ come to think of it one could come up with many instances over the past few months that lead nowhere but to this conclusion. Still another one writes, “A beginning of a new era for Africa. No more bullying, no more division, no more disrespect. Tell him on his face! Salute to Kenya!”

“They messed up with the wrong people. Everything has a breaking point; everything has an end. We are putting to an end all the exploitation & humiliation from the West & East. Thank you, Ethiopia, for showing the way. It’s a time for AFRICA to join the fight.” Whoever thought such heartwarming comments would make their way into the public domain at a time when this world is being turned into one, big mess. Yes, to both friend and foe. Africa is rising up to the task. Bit by bit Africans far and wide are opening their eyes to the truth; truth they that has been denied them by the onslaught of agenda-driven western media narratives.

Here is a killer; “CNN has already picked its side.” No one could have put it any stronger. And while we are at it the editors of that channel have a homework or two to complete; tell your “correspondents” and “anchors”… “Don’t show your frustrations on camera. You’re giving our game away!”

Finally, ‘THE KNEE’ seems to be in search of a neck or two to rest on; Watch where you try to put ‘THE KNEE.’ Ok! It might not be as easy as you think. Or to hit closer to home, “It won’t be an easy ‘homerun,’ as you’d have chosen to call it.

The Ethiopian Herald November 21/2021

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