From the UN with ‘Love!’

Several days back a UN agency once again called a meeting in Geneva not to discuss on Ethiopia, but top pass some biting resolution on it. The funny part is that nowadays... Read more »

“Withdrawal;” Really!

Ephrem Endale  Contributer  Having been following the ‘Western Media Brigade’s’ all-out attack on Ethiopia since the start of the war in the north it’s only natural to see what they’ve been saying... Read more »

Berlin 1884 – Geneva 2021! Was it the ‘curtain raiser?’

 Yes, as many are tweeting and posting it was Berlin 1884, and now it is Geneva 2021. ‘The white people’ getting together in that very Geneva where HIS made his famous speech,... Read more »

Bleeding from the eyes!

Ephrem Endale Contributer He’s at it again! They are at it again! The NYT-Declan Walsh propaganda-for-pay monster is roaring again. “The Nobel Peace Prize That Paved the Way for War,” screams the... Read more »

Me & My Friend – 3

Me: I hear you’re packing. Him: Word travels fast, doesn’t it? Me: It sure does. So finally, they make you change your mind. Him: What’re you talking about? Me: I mean all... Read more »

Yes, they aren’t going to make it easy for us!

Ephrem Endale  Contributer  If you are still not sure about this world being one queer place here is the title of a recent news item “Britain Refuses to Return Sacred Religious Tablets... Read more »

Me & My Friend – 2

Me: So… Him: So! So! That’s all you’ve to say?” Me: You didn’t even wait until I finished the sentence! What has got into you? Him: You see! That’s what I’m saying.... Read more »

NO MORE! and Everyone Means It!

Ephrem Endale  Contributer  No More! It is a movement which has nudged many out of their elf-induced trance and enabled them to see the real picture of what’s happening in this part... Read more »


The officials recently gave stern warning to some international news organizations reporting from Ethiopia to clean up their act or else! There have been calls for something to be done about these... Read more »

The Dust is in the Evil Eyes!

 “Ethiopia Under Relentless Attack by Western Media Houses Promoting US Military Intervention” That’s how one non-Ethiopia site put it. Africans on the continent and elsewhere are rising up to the fact that... Read more »