“Withdrawal;” Really!

Ephrem Endale  Contributer

 Having been following the ‘Western Media Brigade’s’ all-out attack on Ethiopia since the start of the war in the north it’s only natural to see what they’ve been saying about the total rout of the terrorist group and the flight of those who were lucky enough to make it to Tigray region. Especially, the name of the game now is to deny that they have been chased out and make things like another day at the picnic. ‘Withdrawal;’ that’s the catch word from the officials to the media. One thing is the words like “alleged” “claimed” and things like that often overflowing in news from this side are non-existent.

One agency headlined its report, “Tigray forces withdraw from neighbouring Ethiopian regions – spokesman.” There is nothing wrong with that you might say. Ok, what about this title from the same news agency; “Ethiopia claims retaking towns from Tigray rebels;” Aha! There you’re; “…claims…”

Hey, don’t you guys feel something is not right here? This is the norm as every report quoting someone from Ethiopia carries those ‘question-mark’ words “claims,” “alleges,” and the like. Now all of a sudden, the routed side is being painted as some sort of “the peacemakers;” that’s what the Western media and officials are trying to force the world into believing. Their top man has reported as having written a letter to the Secretary General of the UN. Of course, a so-called rebel group,

 designated as terrorist at that, writing a letter to the head of an organization of and by nations must be some sort of ‘the new face of diplomacy! Anyways the man reported as to have written, “We trust that our bold act of withdrawal will be a decisive opening for peace.” OMG! Of course, with the Martin Plauts and Kjetil Tronvolls by their side no wonder they sink so low as if they’ve forgotten what they have been saying only weeks ago.

The letter-writer even went as far as warning Ethiopians either to surrender or flee for their lives while they have time! And this didn’t shock those who seemed to be “shocked” “alarmed” concerned every time we sneezed! Yes, such things and more were actually said in public and not in ‘secret zoom coup conspiracies!’

Here is what that person who goes by the name Kjetil Tronvoll tweeted Oct 30, 2021, “As in 1991 it seems to be too late to negotiate a peaceful transition in Ethiopia when Tigray forces are closing in on Addis. The UN, EU, US should immediately plan for a transition scenario and how to stabilize the country post-Abiy Ahmed.”

When their minders were telling them about negotiations and when there was all that talk of ‘Doomsday Addis’ the so-called civilian and military officials, including the one with the letter to the UNSG were only some weeks back saying things like “With whom will we negotiate! The war is over!” The others echoed “The war is over!”

 thing. Even a couple of weeks back they continued with their talk of annihilating Ethiopian forces in feats nowhere seen in modern warfare. They boasted of wiping out eighty thousand Ethiopia forces! And no ‘international correspondents’ hiding in their Nairobi fox holes asked “And how did you manage doing that?” Maybe they were on sabbatical leaves!

And all of a sudden they “announce” they were withdrawing, and the media hounds spring to action. Yes, the whistle was that loud. And here is what the Tronvoll fellow twitted Dec. 20, 2021 “TDF withdrawal out of Afar and Amhara and Tigray govt. letter to the UNSG on the process ahead is a clear and unequivocal call for peace negotiations. The ball is clearly in the court of Ethiopia govt. UNSC/IC to follow up…” Sorry for not getting whatever he has been …..; Sorry sir, what about your October tweet that it was too late for negotiations!

One report had this line “…a new turning point in the brutal 13-month war.” Sorry for spoiling your weekend, but if there was any turning point was that your favorite ‘rebels’ were beaten black and blue and chased all the way up. In fact, it was those who were lucky who made it back.

Here are two tweets from Futurical… “You drum for war when you think your TPLF is winning, and braggartly declare their suicidal Generals great tacticians.

 Then you whimper for peace when your TPLF is losing, and claim they have simply withdrawn! Your hypocrisy knows no limits.”

“TPLF’s Western propagandists, realizing TPLF is being annihilated, are now calling defeat a withdrawal, and drumming for peace to save TPLF’s certain total defeat so that they can re-group and fight another day. No. TPLF either disarms, or ENDF uproots them from Mekelle.”

Yes they are trying to use the media against us as much as they can. The Western media has long been weaponized. Talking about a certain whistleblower during the Watergate scandal the then president Richard Nixon was quoted as saying to one of his top officials, “Don’t worry about his trial…try him in the press…We want to destroy him in the press…” There you have it. That’s what is being done against our country…Trying to destroy us in the press.

“The war broke out in November 2020 when Abiy sent troops into Ethiopia’s northernmost region of Tigray to topple the TPLF, accusing them of attacking army camps.” They admitted to it you fools? They admitted they were the first to attack the Ethiopian forces who were about to attack them! And you still cling to such stupidity! Who’s writing your checks any way! And this appeared only a few days back!

The Ethiopian Herald December 26/2021

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