Bleeding from the eyes!

Ephrem Endale Contributer

He’s at it again! They are at it again! The NYT-Declan Walsh propaganda-for-pay monster is roaring again. “The Nobel Peace Prize That Paved the Way for War,” screams the latest title. One couldn’t help wondering how low things can get when they try to power their poisonous fake-news concoctions down our throats. You could feel the Walsh fellow fighting for every whiff of breath trying to force people into believing him. He does a very, very bad work of it!

By the way this is the very guy who described Tigrayan early and preteens carrying Kalashnikovs almost their sizes “motivated to fight.” Yes, that is what one of the staff of a paper supposedly on the highest summit of the media industry wrote, in that now infamous story, “motivated to fight,” while he should have been denouncing the practice in the toughest of terms. Look what’s happening to Walsh’s “highly motivated” child soldiers now. They are falling like flies in their thousands and the Declan Walsh’s of this world are party to the unpardonable crime of sending children into battle while they should have fought for the rights of the kids to be in schools.

The sad part of it all is that Tigray region is losing too many of its young generation under the very eyes of the world. Ethiopian officials, the media and activists having been calling on the mothers of Tigray to demand explanations as to what was happening to their children, the very children the NYT said were “motivated to fight.” As of recent times we have been hearing that tensions rising in Mekele as mothers have begun asking “Where are our children?” “Where have you taken our children?” Of course, when this war comes to a close, and it would sooner than later, Tigray would be one of the saddest places on earth as mothers learn the true fate of their loved ones. And those who have been hailing the kids will probably go on trying to put the blame on one side or another.

And while as a true journalist the guy should have written follow-up stories of the very  kids he, NYT and co. helped to send into the war he has once again returned to what must be episode something of the Nobel Peace Prize soap opera!

Here is an interesting tweet “When TPLF was in power, they shared the loot of billions with many western officials, Aid orgs, NGOs, think tanks, institutions & Media. They will do their best to bring back terrorist TPLF to continue their plunder and hide their financial crimes.”

Look, since I want to play it nice, I’ve a proposition to make. Give the guy some ‘special’ prize! I really mean it. Just go through his story. It takes the foulest types of guts to write a story where most of the sources are ‘ghosts!’ Ha! There are so many of these ‘ghosts’ he practically runs out of phrases to attribute his absurdities to some person.

So many ghosts!

…a senior Ethiopian security official said.

… two former Ethiopian officials said.

… an acquaintance said.

… said a senior Ethiopian official.

… a former Ethiopian official said.

Reading the tweets, you can’t feel sorry for someone who seems to have made it his life’s mission to do everything he can to see this country on its knees. Well, it’s the fellow Walsh himself who knows on which side his bread is buttered. Of course, the ‘bread and  butter’ must be ‘mouth-watering!’ for him to bend sink so low.

One disgruntled person tweeted, “What planet is he living on! Did he just dream this s#@t up?” An article titled “NYT’s Declan Walsh: The New Face of Neocolonialism” describes Walsh’s as “racist to the bone, neocolonial in its approach and spits on the basic tenets of democracy…”

He seems to be competing with the Elbagir woman for ‘the most hated media person in Ethiopia,’ and presently in much of Africa. But sorry, the playbook has been changed. Didn’t anyone tell the guy about the “#NO MORE” movement! And by the way given that he is throwing every mud ball he could put his hands on at Ethiopia we have news for him, “Hey, didn’t you hear the Kenyan president calling Ethiopia ‘The mother of Africa?’” And while we’re at it for some reason Nairobi seems to have become the Temben caves of the Ethiopia bashing Western press.

One person is so fade up with this Nobel Prize stuff he tweets; “I think PM Abiy should set a precedent and throw that Nobel Peace Prize back in their face. They’ve been using it against him every chance they get. Makes me wonder if it’s worth it. True peace doesn’t need a prize from Westerns whose main concern is geopolitical interest.

Surely Declan and co. must be bleeding from the eyes.

The Ethiopian Herald December 19/2021

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