The Dust is in the Evil Eyes!

 “Ethiopia Under Relentless Attack by Western Media Houses Promoting US Military Intervention”

That’s how one non-Ethiopia site put it. Africans on the continent and elsewhere are rising up to the fact that what is happening here is no more about Ethiopia. It is about Africa; it is about the spirit of Pan-Africanism which however long it takes will finally see a ‘United Africa.’ The social media is filled with comments from the man in the street with respected African intellectuals joining the chorus of “Hands off Ethiopia!

What’s going on in our country has become an African issue. This, ladies and gentlemen, without doubt would send the shivers through the ranks and file of certain sections, because it’d be the dismantling of centuries of abuse to ensure Africa would remain broken into a hundred or even a thousand pieces. “United! What do you mean a united Africa! Why, hopeless Africa would never make it even in another millennium! Can’t you see that they are killing each other?”

Here is what one African brother wrote… “Ethiopia is the key to Africa’s prosperity since Ethiopia was not artificially created in some Western capitals. It’s been a nation for almost 5000 years. It’s the oldest nation that still exists in its original form. The only way to destroy it is by dividing and conquering, but it won’t work either. I see Ethiopia rise and become Africa world leader with the help of East Africa Kenya South Sudan, Congo.”

About this “Fake news,’ issue; most fake news and most fake news sources have nothing to do with journalism ethics or any such thing. They are about politics. Period! Yes, that’s it! It is not as much the content of the fake news as it is their ultimate goal. So, it’s about so-called news organizations and their ‘special correspondents’ who have nothing special except twisting the truth for their and their masters’ political gains. Briefly speaking, these sources are more and more sounding like actual combatants. Facebook, YouTube etc. seem to have gone into the offensive.

I mean we see so many horrendous things on YouTube get the ‘green light’ and they try to stifle the voice of Ethiopians. That is the whole point of it. First, they do close their doors on your face and spew their own bias. Then when you think the social media is a better place, there too, they block you; yes, it is part of what you call ‘the media war plan.’ “Shut them out!” But in the final analysis no one can shut out the truth. They can’t shut out the reality.

Strange, how can anyone talk about peace when they are the reasons there was no peace?! You don’t host nine ‘groups’ (someone called it the ‘Uber’ group) aiming to bring down an elected government and talk about peace! Interesting, how the media over there treated the event. You don’t talk about healing wounds when you are one of those who are working to make it worse!

There is a line, call it red or whatever, but some international ‘correspondents’ seem to have crossed over to being some sort of combatant. Making the Elbagir woman moderator on Ethiopia! Come on!

“Hundreds of planes dumped more than 1,000 tons of the ‘Terrible rain’ on Ethiopians and their land over a period of several months;” writes historian Dean W, Arnold in his book ‘Unknown Empire.’ No country ever in history suffered such barbarity and yet the League stabbed Ethiopia in the back. “What reply shall I take back to my people?” Haile Selassie asked the League of Nations. The answer was the Western countries continued supply of oil to Mussolini, the one thing that allowed him to commit all that barbarity and stay that long. So, we can’t help looking back into history because now and then the parallels jump out of the headlines, statements, so-called warnings, threats and the like.

We’re not talking about grudges here. We’re talking about history. When in the 1970’s expansionist Siyad Bare rolled into Ethiopia without any provocation and under the very eyes of the world we were denied the weapons we purchased. We were denied our rights to defend ourselves. Why? For the same reason that we are being hit with, ultimatums, sanctions and other forms of assaults to try to bring this proud nation to its knees. Those who think they’re kicking dust into our eyes better do their homework. Wake up and try to see where the dust actually is! It’s in your own evil eyes!

Make no mistake about it the ground under the evil, heartless would soon be shifting. Oh yes, it would be shifting so decisively things will never be the same again.

The Ethiopian Herald November 21/2021

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