From the UN with ‘Love!’

Several days back a UN agency once again called a meeting in Geneva not to discuss on Ethiopia, but top pass some biting resolution on it. The funny part is that nowadays UN meetings on Ethiopia, in New York and elsewhere are called with predestined goals of making Ethiopia look the bad boy on the Horn of Africa bloc. There was a detailed investigation in which their own people took part and the final report was given the thumbs up by the organization itself. And all of a sudden, they want to talk about it again! Are we missing something here!

Then the UNSC tabled another Ethiopia-agenda for the 13th time! Would you believe that! There are so many trouble spots around the world and they bring up our country for the 13th time! But believe me, the world is watching! And it’s not only watching but reacting too, especially Africa. It will not be long before they’d feel the earth moving under their feet.

I think there is a story we should tell those people; as far as we Ethiopians are concerned the man in the street has not only lost hope in the UN, he believes the organization is openly hostile to Ethiopia.

Take the thousand plus stolen UN trucks which under the very eyes of the world were used to ferry troops and arms of the terrorist group. And what does New York say? Practically nothing! And what does Geneva say? Practically nothing! Mute as mute can be. Then there were reports some time back that Ethiopian troops misused three UN trucks! All of a sudden the New York was awake! They make some statement. Sad, very sad! When is that body (‘League of Nations 2021!’) going to stop working against us? And the man in the streets asks how long can Ethiopia and Ethiopians tolerate such intermittent betrayals. After all, our peace keeps go all over the place putting their lives in harm’s way answering to the calls of this very organization. The very organization whose top official publicly

 sort of paid homage to the fighting skills of the terrorist organization!

Remember the UN also was telling its staff to evacuate Addis because it was going to fall! Embassies throwing out daily emergency notices going as far as saying those who refuse and stay behind will be responsible for their fate. In fact, they went as far as threatening passenger planes might be shot down. Of course, this and some other details we have many unanswered questions. Especially after the terrorist spokesman revealed that Washington advised them to take over Addis, we’ve gone back to reviewing the wordings of these warnings. Of course, after the fellow ‘spilled the beans,’ so to say, a couple of statements denied any such things were said. And what was the next chapter of the story? Nothing! It’s eerily quiet on that front! You know what is strange? All the media which hung to every word the spokesman said chose to overlook this one. It was something that could have started some storm. Imagine how the media would have played it out if some opposition group says it was advised from yonder to take over Cairo! The story would have more chapters.

So, finally the ax has sort of fallen on AGOA. This move has nothing to do with politics. It has nothing to do about policy disagreements. This is simply an example of the most inhumane act knowing that more than a million households would probably be affected.

Now the very group whose capture of Addis was a done deal flees all the way to the region. And no one within the agenda-driven Western media is asking seems to ask how could this have happened of a force they have been praising at the expense of over-using poor old adjectives! Remember that invincible group whose advances into Afar and Amhara regions were hailed as “spectacular” “astonishing” and all that? Maybe buy some miracle never witnessed the New Year might bless you with New Brain Cells! Yes, that’s what most of you need!

The Ethiopian Herald December 26/2021

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