NO MORE! and Everyone Means It!

Ephrem Endale  Contributer

 No More! It is a movement which has nudged many out of their elf-induced trance and enabled them to see the real picture of what’s happening in this part of the world.

We’re saying “No More!” to conspiracies being hatched in some western capitals aimed at reversing the promising path of democracy we’ve embarked upon as the last elections have proven the world. In one of the ugly twists of history the ‘makers and shakers of democracy’ (hmmm…) refused to acknowledge what has been achieved under the very eyes of the entire world. Why? Shouldn’t they have been the ones not to shy away from paying the ultimate sacrifice to ensure democracy prevails? You might be saying, “What the hell is he talking about?” To tell you the truth, I am not sure! I mean talking about a scenario which wouldn’t even fit for third rate a-dozen-a-dime paperback storyline may have to think about the psychiatrist’s couch. But then, the silence might not be as astonishing as I make it to be. Because somehow a democratic process in this country might thwart long-term plans others have been writing for us.

Look, given past experiences these very sections would sooner or later condemn one election or another as undemocratic and rigged. Aha, now I’m talking! Then the ‘usual’ threats follow with the vicious ‘Sword of Sanctions’ coming crashing down. So what’s the big deal when it comes to our country? Weren’t these very sections who have given themselves the title of ‘vanguards of democracy?’ Weren’t these very sections who wagged that, long threatening finger with, “Better make sure there are free and fair elections or else!” The elections held a few months back, with all their imperfections astounded even the maniacally irrational doomsday conspirators. And yet they are trying to ‘punish us’ for holding such an election!

We’re saying “No More!” to those who are attempting to impose the master/servant relationships of the Stone Age. Ethiopians are saying there’s no way, not in a billion and one, such a scenario would ever happen. All relationships should be based on mutual respect for all inhabiting this earth, on the realization that it has never been God’s plan to put a certain set of people on a higher throne with others as serfs or something like that. What’s more, Ethiopians never in history have been subjugated by foreign powers, because they never allowed that to happen.

We’re saying “No More!” to those who, in direct contravention of all the international rules and statutes meant to protect the sovereignty of nations and uphold their right to mind their own business in whatever way they find fit. Simple, isn’t it! But then for more than a year we’ve been witnessing as one group after another, acted in direct in contravention of the rules put on paper in the nicest of words because they wanted to do us harm. Yes, I’ll repeat that without the slightest blink, “…because they wanted to do us harm.” Sometimes it’s rather comical seeing the number and diversity of those who shamelessly try to take the front seat in our internal affairs. Hey, did we ever send you invitations. Did we send you text messages or did you one fine night experience a revelation, “Go and help those Ethiopians. You’re the Moses they have been waiting for?”

Can anyone tell me how in the world FORMER western ambassadors think they’re entitled to sit in the jury box of an Ethiopian trial that never was? That’s what they have been doing, wasn’t it? The self-appointed jury giving its verdict;

“Has the jury reached a verdict?”

“Yes, your honor.”

“What’s your verdict?”

“We have decided a transitional government

 should be put into place without delay.” You can’t help being left speechless seeing at how low could Western politicians (‘former,’ or whoever.)

What happened on that zoom discussion has created a lot of stir especially on our continent, because it was like the litmus test of what may be happening this minute behind the many walls elsewhere in the world. We were talking about the comical ‘Washington gang-of-nine’ when the zoom comedy hit the social media.

Look at what a French retired diplomat and writer, one Stéphane Gompertz says in that zoom outrage; “Even if Abiy sticks to his guns, which unfortunately he seems to be doing, you either hope that people around him either in government or in the military realize that this is going nowhere and might force him to, well, accept the cessation of hostilities or force him to step down?”

This comes from some retired Frenchwoman diplomat and a writer too! Her being a diplomat and also a writer you expected some sense from such a woman! Mademoiselle, about that thing you said about “sticking to his gun” well, sorry to break it to you just as you thought this one was going to be a Christmas to remember, your worst nightmare is happening. If you really know what “sticking to one’s guns means, that is. By now you must have received our special X-mass present on one of the channels. And also I hope you have a clear view of what’s actually “going nowhere;” Your horribly twisted view of the realities on the ground, that’s “going nowhere.” The likes of you and the rest of the zoom-gang are among the reasons we’re making our voices heard loud and clear, NO MORE!

We’re saying “No More!” to those under the guise of being so-called international correspondents, or experts of things they know nothing about spew venom over the airwaves; venom if not handled with care could push the venom of the rattle snake into harmless wetness. As we’ve mentioned before no country in recent times has come under so much fake news bombardment like our country has. In fact, we now know more to realize this is not about fake news. It’s about a well articulated propaganda campaign meant to bring a proud people to its knees. Well, never is that going to happen however the pressures might be.

We’re saying “No More!” to attempts which look like the modern version of the Berlin ‘Africa Carving’ conference. Who are the so-called international experts or those who go by such equally impressive sounding names to tell us how we run our country? The problem is the Ethiopia experts who crowd western TV stations might know about every bit of information about the world, except about Ethiopia!

We’re saying “No More!” to backstabbing which has happened to us by the very ‘friends’ who were in Addis a century ago! A century is only a number, wouldn’t’ you say? How could you be betrayed by a century-old friend for all the wrong reasons! We’re saying “No More!” to terrorizing the innocent by relentlessly airing warnings. We’ve seen what happens in Western countries when there are terror threats credible or not….

The Ethiopian Herald December 5/2021

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