Yes, they aren’t going to make it easy for us!

Ephrem Endale  Contributer

 If you are still not sure about this world being one queer place here is the title of a recent news item “Britain Refuses to Return Sacred Religious Tablets to Ethiopia, Best Offer Is a Loan” How about that? The tablets and hundreds of other artifacts were looted! No looted isn’t a strong enough term.

They were STOLEN from Ethiopia! And in this ‘age of modernity,’ whatever that means, you’re told with no eyebrows blinking. “We’re not going to return stolen material; but…” Aha; not returning stolen material and ‘but’ in the same sentence must mean something. “…but the most the museum is willing to do is let Ethiopia borrow them for an extended time.”

What’s wrong with those people! Look many think that such things are in part of the age long attempt to divorce us from our real history. For them they are some sort of tourist material in museums and such places. For us they are our very souls.

These past weeks western countries have been telling their citizens to leave Addis ASAP before the city ‘falls.’ Among them the French too have been telling their citizens to leave. No, we’ve nothing against the French. If you ask me, I’m not going to offend those guys while my best footballer Lionel Messy is still at PSG! One couldn’t be any nicer. But the irony of the “Leave or else…” from Paris is that in other parts of Africa citizens are telling the French exactly that! Yes, thus world has become a very queer place!

 Have you been following seen how the terminally flawed Western media (the 24/7 Ethiopia bashers) have been reporting the victory of Ethiopian forces in recent days? Not that we’re surprised or anything like that. I can say one thing for sure, Ethiopians wouldn’t be surprised, shocked, angered or whatever over reports from those queer places manned by the queerest of the human species. The battle lines are drawn, so to say.

Read this from one recent story, “Yet how the government scored its wins and what they mean for an eventual outcome in the year-old war remain points of fierce debate as fighting enters a new, uncertain phase.” All of a sudden ‘how’ the government chased them away in their tens of thousands is up for ‘fierce’ debate. Mind you it’s not only any other debate, it’s fierce!

Here is another bit from the same story “The war in northern Ethiopia broke out in November 2020 when Abiy sent troops to topple the TPLF — a move he said came in response to TPLF attacks on federal army camps.”

By now many in the biased media who have been trying to trample the fact as to who fired the first shot have been muted on that particular point here is another ‘news media’ still singing the same tune. In recent times even their top pole have publicly admitted they acted first for fear that Ethiopian forces were about to launch an attack on them. Yes, they are not going to make it easy for us; the only thing is we’re past the stage where we would have taken them seriously. Yes, they aren’t going to make it easy for us anytime soon!

On their other hand the genocide narrative losing its plausibility by the day, there seem to be changes in tactics. Now it’s about the people who are being detained in connection with the state of emergency. One thing is clear; no one wants anybody to be unlawfully detained or mistreated. In fact, people have been urging for the investigations to be speeded up and the innocent release as soon as possible. What more do those people want! At least no one is in any Guantanamo! Those who don’t have good reputations in treating refugees ‘denouncing’ the government over something they don’t have clear information about is arrogance of the worst kind.

 By the way weren’t they the ones who have been warning everybody that Addis Ababa was about to fall within days and it would be some sort of doomsday! Weren’t they the one’s telling airlines to change flight paths so they wouldn’t be shot down with missiles when they take off from Bole? Weren’t they the ones telling the world the danger of terrorist attacks in multiple places in Addis? And now Ethiopian authorities are trying to sort out the chaff from the grain they cry foul! Yes, they aren’t going to make it easy for us anytime soon!

The denouncements, alarms, perhaps more threats and what have you will keep on coming, be sure about that. Because what is clear is that despite all the scattered diplomatic niceties the truth is sides have been taking. That’s what has been happening all through, and there are no reasons for us to think this will change anytime soon. Anyone innocent enough to think otherwise would be in for bid disappointments.

The fact, again, is that sides have been taken! In an opinion piece titled “US hands China a victory in Ethiopia” an observer writes, “The US says it is neutral in the actual dispute, but American behavior, including Biden’s imposition of sanctions first on Ethiopia on September 17 and then on Eritrea on November 12 for assisting Ethiopia has made it clear whose side the US is on.”

Yes, they aren’t going to make it easy for us anytime soon!

The Ethiopian Herald December 12/2021

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