Art in parrying an axe to grind

 More than 100 visitors had dropped in at Fendeka Cultural Center. Inside the artistically designed and decorated traditional galleries and halls, visitors move to and fro to feast their eyes on superb... Read more »

Sudan in the Throes of its Arab Spring Implications for the Horn

What is known in recent history as the Arab Spring started in Tunisia and then spread to Egypt, Libya, Algeria and now Sudan. The Arab Spring in the context of Africa is... Read more »

Ethiopia through the eyes of foreigner

 “Ethiopia, which abounds with natural resources, is the cradle of humankind. More often than not, the cultures, traditions and norms of the various Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia strike me. Ethiopia... Read more »

The hunt for Ethiopian vocalist-Yeshimebet Dubale

There is no gainsaying the fact that most Ethiopians know the Ethiopian vocalist Yeshimebet Dubale like the palm of their hand. Most of them love the vocalist with all their hearts seeing... Read more »

Oldies Goodies

Cheap price commodities have become ubiquitous in the market place. Due to the low income most consumers get they are forced to buy cheap commodities. Free market place idea has also settled... Read more »

Sightseeing natural towers

Ethiopia prides itself on natural wonders and the spectrum of flora and fauna its landscape is graced with. Innumerable cultural and historical heritages, salubrious climate congenial for health and breathtaking topography are... Read more »

DMU over 9000 folders of documents for its new historical archive

The categories comprise of documents and reports dating from 1930-2000EC and contents concerning other former provinces of Ethiopia, national projects, arts, defense, education, health, agriculture, finance, law, infrastructure, politics and administration. “We... Read more »

Honoring the founder of genealogy of Ethiopian Music Saint Yared

In the ancient Northern capital city of Ethiopia Aksum, there lived one of the greatest Ethiopian composers, Saint Yared. Ethiopia’s genealogy of music from classical Zema to chant compositions could be traced... Read more »


Fikadu’s family was at its most vibrant in the mid twentieth century. His parents, Ato Asfaw and W/ro Shitaye, were married only six months then. They were in the primary stage of... Read more »

Mujiraddin Beylaqani: The Medieval Poet to bring forth Ethio-Azeri cultural diplomacy

Mujiraddin Beylaqani, (1130- 1194), as his pseudonym shows, was born in one of the oldest cities of Azerbaijan, Beylaqan to an Azeri father to Habesha (Ethiopian) mother. He was the writer of... Read more »