Oldies Goodies

Cheap price commodities have become ubiquitous in the market place. Due to the low income most consumers get they are forced to buy cheap commodities. Free market place idea has also settled it in the marketing modules. Demanding durability is no longer that much critical in the beholder of consumers. Cheap price is the main criteria in the transaction of products and services.

 Delicate and easily breakable products conquer the market places with cheap prices. In this case, oldies are goodies. There are about unlimited number of products staying for longer period of time without easily broken. One could come across so many items which traversed the tide of time if one is to knock every individual’s households.

Such kind of long-lived household materials and office equipment should be inscribed as heritages and are taken as public domain and property. The pictures above portray an old woman who has a keypad that stayed with her intact for half a century. Its durability has made us to praise the key producer company. By the way social responsibility corporates stand firm to satisfy consumers’ interest.

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition, May19/ 2019


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