Art in parrying an axe to grind

 More than 100 visitors had dropped in at Fendeka Cultural Center. Inside the artistically designed and decorated traditional galleries and halls, visitors move to and fro to feast their eyes on superb paintings exhibited there. All paintings posted on the wall grabbed my attention. But I had not the inkling whether the paintings were by Ethiopians or foreign artists. Eye-catching and stunning art works arrested my attention. The paintings were drawn in less sophisticated styles in keeping with the average viewers.

When I saw the artistic pieces the spirits of love, hope, faith and togetherness crossed my mind. The paintings showcase that unity is a sign of hope.

You could imagine two parties that were at loggerheads once to meet own ends. Nevertheless, they are not going to wage a fight until sundown.

Likewise, the paintings are about dealing with the conflict of Ethio- Eritrea. Memories of bloodshed are still fresh in the minds of the two peoples. They have never forgotten what happened in the not distant past. Dog-eat-dog pattern seemed the destiny of peoples of the two countries. Lose-lose game proved accepted by the two countries’ diplomacy. After bloodshed the two countries opened their closed doors for negotiation and reconciliation.

In the course of time, the neighbors with cool heads opened their hearts to reestablish bilateral ties. They had never given up sticking together for good. The siblings got back on track to communicate passionate love and kindness among themselves through the exchange of ideas, artistic features, languages, cultures, trade and investment.

The aforementioned painting arts expo was held at Fendeka Cultural Center. It was hosted by two artists- Brihan Beyene and Nebay Abraha from Ethiopia and Eritrea respectively. The artists are longing to see the peaceful co-existence of the two countries. The artists draw pictures and make artifacts to describe about the Ethio-Eriteria relationships. That is why they displayed their paintings at arts open expo at the center. It was opened on 2 April 2019.It will stay opened until 22 May 2019.

Relating about the expo, artist Brihan Beyene said that the paintings express all about togetherness and the spirit of solidarity. It aims at enhancing mutual benefits through win-win cooperation. The artistic features also portray people-to-people relationships which are paramount to ensure peace and to work together for a common goal.

Artist Nebay Abraha on his part pointed out that via artistic features, we attempted to demonstrate the two countries’ commonality in terms of dressing styles, traditional dishes, beverages crops, traditional songs, among others. People of the two countries are just like two sides of the same coin.

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday May 19, 2019


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