Dancing with the wind

Part II “Did you ask me where am I going? Well I know nothing, sir… I don’t know. I don’t know if I could give you sufficient response. I swear in the... Read more »

Closed ranks earth and sky

As modesty, Another form Of beauty, Is God’s identity Christ, The incarnated word, The Omnipresent God Revealed himself In a human flesh, Formed from His breath And a sod. The Omnipotent Sucked... Read more »

 “New-Age” children: Smarter than their parents?

Children nowadays are increasingly occupying centre stages in many social events and media presentations. Children are allowed to be guests at social media events, and encouraged to speak their minds whether what... Read more »

 The art and science of advertising for effective communication

There are at least two remarks anyone can make regarding advertising billboards and the language in which they are presented these days. The first is the size of advertising billboards that are... Read more »

Like a cigarette

Bro, tell me please To your heart’s content Enjoying a French kiss In squeezing out The nectar of their lady-hood Not remiss, Are the lasses A cigarette For a while you keep... Read more »

Soaring with wings of success

“When we hand down This flag to posterity Paying prices of life To the country’s Age-old sovereignty It is with a word of caution ‘This generation Should accord due attention To handing... Read more »

An overriding national f

 Abebe Bekela, Miruts Yefter …Derartu, Haile, Tirunesh Kenenisa, Meseret, … Solomon Eletesenbet Gudaf … and all With a similar footfall! Displaying a superb Long-distance athletic feat When many superstars Awe inspiringly you... Read more »

  It could buy the priceless life

 Though life is priceless And invaluable, To be frank, The blood, one donates To a blood bank,  An oasis in Life-devoid desert A delivering mother’s An accident victim’s A nation defending Soldier’s... Read more »

 Outshining in volunteerism

Volunteerism devoting one’s time or talent to assist others in the community and to promote the national interest without having compensation in mind. Volunteering is an key way of adding bricks for... Read more »

Yacob Woldemariam wrote “immaculate Victorian English”

 An English language major at the former HAILESELASSIE University in the 1960’s agreed that Yacob Woldemariam wrote flawless English but said “ it sounded Victorian to me !” I still don’t know... Read more »