DMU over 9000 folders of documents for its new historical archive

The categories comprise of documents and reports dating from 1930-2000EC and contents concerning other former provinces of Ethiopia, national projects, arts, defense, education, health, agriculture, finance, law, infrastructure, politics and administration. “We are living in a time that cultural and historical confusions are widely observed within the young generation. We have been facing the threat of cultural invasion. In order to prevent this and bring the generation back to its original self, historical archives are crucial,” said Gizachew.

According to him, even though the documents were collected from East Gojjam Zone, they are historical documents with information from several parts of the country. For instance, the written documents concerning the administration of the Dahlack Islands, the development of the former Wolega province, and Karamara -Jigga reestablishment, the studies of rivers and dams, national military services etc, he noted. Gizachew said historical archives are always considered as first sources of information in every social science studies.

 These information from historical archives play crucial role in terms of protecting, promoting original cultures, artistic works of societies and learning where they have been yesterday, where they are at the present and their future destinies, stressed Gizachew. Meanwhile, there are still millions of historical documents in different parts of East Gojjam Zone and its governmental and none governmental institutions that await the University for collection and better preservation.

 On the other hand The Seventh Annual Symposium of Haddis Alemayehu Institute of Cultural Studies is taking place at the University with the theme ‘Mutual cultural value for strong national unity” from 18th -19 May 2019. Studies, on different issues that focus on art and the above mentioned theme, are being presented for discussion at the symposium, where several scholars, society members of Arts from East Gojjam Zone and other parts of the country and Students are attending.

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition, May19/ 2019


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