Ethiopia through the eyes of foreigner

 “Ethiopia, which abounds with natural resources, is the cradle of humankind. More often than not, the cultures, traditions and norms of the various Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia strike me. Ethiopia that boasts awe- inspiring ancient civilization is one of the most respected countries in the world which wins the hearts and the minds of the world within the shortest time possible.

This statement was made by today’s witness Mathew Varghese. He is from India. He is on familiar terms with the traditions, norms and cultures of the people of Ethiopia. He added “Though colonizers left no stone unturned to take possession of the country against the will of the people, their dreams went up in smoke” Without exaggeration, Mathew Varghese knows the inside out of the country like the back of his hand. He loves his home away from home beyond words.

 Above and beyond, the country has left its footprints in the heart of his hearts. Under any circumstances, s/he who came to know Mr. Mathew cannot estrange Ethiopia and this person seeing that they are spliced with love never to get separated. From the witness’s face I managed to read the wide spectrum of feelings, ideas and thoughts flickering through his mind.

The person was talking about Ethiopia nonstop. I was really taken by surprise in this regard. He told me “To the surprise of everyone, words fail me to put across the greatness of Ethiopia and its people except simply wrestling with words which in black and white describe the country.” Thirty-five year is on since Mr. Mathew Varghese came to Ethiopia with the intention of serving the nation with integrity, innovation, respect, collaboration, excellence, amongst others.

Thus, he has been harvesting the fruit of success in bringing out the talent of many Ethiopian students and contributing his share for the love of taking the country to the wheel of success. Honestly speaking, nothing makes him happier than living in Ethiopia and putting his all into the country. At some stage in the Mengistu Haile Marima’s regime, Mr. Mathew had served in the Ministry of Education for twelve solid years apart from working in a number of institutions.

“Ethiopians are famed for demonstrating cordiality, courtesy, helping one another and fearing God, among other virtues. I have witnessed these virtues, coupled with the country’s blessings, make the country the soughtafter nation for investment. The tangible and the intangible heritages too make the nation an investment magnet.” Ethiopia used to be his dreamland— a land where one could see a lot of good and dependable people and goodness in everyone.

 But at this moment in time, to his dismay, all these goodness seem suffering effacement and getting off the track over and over again. The people of Ethiopia must stand together to keep time- old tradition of the country alive and chug away. As per Mathew, there are a number of people who every so often demonstrate respect, consideration, and oneness for others sticking themselves to the existing norms. The hospitality and the goodness of the people of Ethiopia never cease to astonish anyone in next to no time. The greatness of the country is unquestionable.

 He kept on saying, “Ethiopia is often referred to as the “Water Tower” of Eastern Africa considering quite a lot of rivers that snake through the various highlands. There is no gainsaying the fact that the country possesses a wide -array of attention-grabbing tourist attractions found in the left, right and center of the country. The world should know the untapped tourist potential of the country and pay homage to them. I envy those that set their feet on this wonderland.”

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition, May19/ 2019


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