Sightseeing natural towers

Ethiopia prides itself on natural wonders and the spectrum of flora and fauna its landscape is graced with. Innumerable cultural and historical heritages, salubrious climate congenial for health and breathtaking topography are among the innumerable blessings the country stands out in. Ethiopia is also famed for its majestic mountains out of which ancient rock-hewn churches are hewed out in a show of home grown super architectural skills.

 The Gherealta Mountains are among the nation’s natural skyscrapers which lure tourists from all corners of the world. The mountains are situated in eastern part of Tigray State in northern Ethiopia. They are found 783 km away from the capital Addis Ababa. They are located 15 km away from the town of Hawzien. The precipices one walks on with bated breath have striking beauty. They amazingly embody curved monasteries which house ancient parchments, paintings and other antiquities.

The rock-hewn churches like Abune Yemata, Daniel Korkor, Abune Gebremichael and Abune Abraham showcase awe-inspiring architectural styles and impressive paintings. According to Tigray Culture and Tourism Bureau, Gherealta Mountains boast astounding monasteries which are believed to be built during the 4th and 5th century BC. Bereket Gebremeskel, tourism expert at the bureau noted the presence of a belief that the churches were built after King Ezana (Abreha) adopted Christianity.

 Asked why the then people chose to build the monasteries on cliff tops with hair pin turns Bereket replied that they wanted to protect the churches from possible attacks and help the hermits distance themselves from mundane life. A pious life presupposes a solitary situation, he added. Mountain hiking is uncommon in Ethiopia. However, if it is promoted well, it has the potential to attract tourists from various parts of the world.

‘‘When one comes to Gherealta, retreating from chaotic places such as towns, one feels at ease for soul searching and meditation. There is a suitable temperate climate preferable by most tourists. That is why the influx of tourists is mounting from time to time,’’ he said. There is no gainsaying that the presence of infrastructural facilities plays a pivotal role in developing the smokeless industry. Having understood this, in collaboration with state governments, the federal government is striving to expand roads, potable water and electricity facilities in tourist destination areas of the country. ‘‘Foreign investors have built lodges in Gherealta.

The Korkor Gherealta lodge, built by an Italian investor, is rendering quality service to tourists. But this must not open room for complacence given the ever-increasing number of tourists. Other investors should engage in building additional lodges, hotels and tourist facilities,’’ Bereket insisted. In addition to this, tour operators and tour guides have huge responsibility toward promoting natural wonders like Gherealta Massifs.

 Henok Gizachew a tour guide who walks tourists through Gherealta on several occasions describes the place as ‘spectacularly astounding.’ ‘‘Visitors could feast their eyes on cultural, natural and historical heritages in Gherealta tourists’ destination. The rock-hewn churches, with Aksumite architectural touches, are awe-inspiring to see. The curved rock pillars, beautifully decorated ceilings and wall paintings sear on tourists’ mind and memories unforgettable impressions,’’ he said. Adding: ‘‘The hospitality of the local people is also unforgettable.

They are cordial.They will not hesitate to offer what they have. ’’ According to him, like other tourist destination areas of the nation, Gherealta begs for aggressive advertisement. ‘‘But it has not been promoted to the level it lures more tourists. So the federal and state governments should work in concert in preserving and promoting such places to generate foreign currency.’’ Besides, he stresses that tour operators and tour guides should have the necessary qualification and knowledge on tourism and hospitality sector.

 ‘‘Nowadays, everything is becoming subject to digitalization. Travel agencies and tour guides must promote their service and tourist destinations via their websites. Moreover, they have to have the necessary skill.

They should know how to guide tourists in a professional manner. The A to Z of tourism and hospitality should be at the tips of their fingers,’’ he pointed out. To sum up, Gherealta mountain range has natural towers with immense tourism significance. Having understood this, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Tigray Culture and Tourism Bureau and other stakeholders have to see to it that it gets inscribed in UNESCO’s heritage list in a bid to boost the tourism sector of the country.

The Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition, May19/ 2019


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