Int’l institutions should walk the talk about child soldiers

Yaregal Kinfe is a resident of Addis Ababa. He is a producer of educational radio program with Addis Ababa Education Bureau. As he said, he always follows the news developments in the... Read more »

The honor of dying for motherland

 BY LEULSEGED WORKU  Gebru Beyene, is one of the hundreds and thousands of youths who respond to the call of the government to stand by the side of the National Defense Forces... Read more »

Sowing seeds of hatred among brothers destined nowhere

BY LAKACHEW ATINAFU Prominent scholars claim that TPLF throughout its times-when it was in struggle, while it seized power and even after it was overthrown-has been triggering societal chaos and crisis under... Read more »

“Gratitude is the sign of noble souls”

The government of Ethiopia has been executing various COVID-19 pandemic preventing and controlling activities since the first case of the pandemic was detected in the country; and even before. Ranging from closing... Read more »

GERD an emblem of Ethiopians’ unity, pride

 As having different views and points on certain issues is an inevitable incident among people with different social, economic and political background, Ethiopians have also several matters they do not agree with.... Read more »

Eid-Al-Adha –‘Festival of Sacrifice’

 BY BETELHEM BEDLU  Eid al-Adha or “Festival of Sacrifice” or “Greater Eid” is one of the popular as well as important Islamic holidays that are celebrated by Muslim communities all over the... Read more »

Reservoir filling filled Ethiopians’ hearts with pride, hope

 BY BETELHEM BEDLU When ten years ago, the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam was first announced, Ethiopians across the globe were expressing their joy and commitment to backing it in... Read more »

Conflict resolution mechanism among Hadiya people

BY LAKACHEW ATINAFU As ancient nations and a country blessed with heterogeneity and varied cultural and traditional norms, one can experience remarkable traditions and values that would add something worth for humanity... Read more »

It is Ethiopia, not a party that won

BY LEULSEGED WORKU Ethiopia has successfully accomplished the sixth National General Election. Despite the negative prediction and destructive attempts of anti-peace elements (both internal and external) to jeopardize the election process, it... Read more »

Why big dam important for Ethiopia?

BY SILABAT MANAYE In case of Ethiopia ,about 90%of the available water is received mainly in three months.Hence,dams could effectively store water during heavy rain seasons between June to September and to... Read more »