The honor of dying for motherland


 Gebru Beyene, is one of the hundreds and thousands of youths who respond to the call of the government to stand by the side of the National Defense Forces to defend the sovereignty of the nation and sustain the integrity of its territories from terrorist group. According to him, defending the nation from all forms of aggression and dying for the people whom he respects and loves is his honor goal in life.

Gebru has responded to the call of the government without any hesitation. According to Gebru, “National sovereignty comes first. No matter in what situation I might be, nothing amounts to national peace and stability. Ethiopians have always been one throughout times. There might be some kind of differences, but we have always a unified hand and spirit when it comes to an enemy.”

The other respondent is called Solomon Addisie. Like that of Gebru, he has similar stand concerning the sovereignty of Ethiopia and its peace. He believes that national sovereignty comes always first.

The new Ethiopia prevails with love and togetherness. The act of the terrorist group is to ruin these principles. However, the combined hands of Ethiopians will dismantle the terrorist for once and for all. That is why Solomon has decided to join the army with short notification.

Defending sovereignty of the nation begins at the heart of every individual. No matter what the age or status of a given person is, the idol in his heart makes the right decision. This is especially true in times where the peace and sovereignty of the nation threatened by anti-peace agents. Throughout history, Ethiopia has never lacked heroes and heroines who fought for a just war. For this very reason, Ethiopia had been (and would also be) victorious out of such battles. Whenever there is threat for national security or peace, Ethiopians are always there to defend their motherland from any form of threat -both internal and external ones.

The recent response of Ethiopian youths to the call of the government to punish the terrorist TPLF group is a good indication to this. As it was indicated by Addis Ababa City Administration Deputy Mayor Adanech Abiebie yesterday, the support of the youths shows clearly as Ethiopians would not compromise and trade their sovereignty.

Ethiopia has already shifted from the ethnic based political structure that was tailored by the terrorist TPLF group is changed now into a new political system that unify Ethiopia.

The new political structure, which is based up on the core elements of inclusive cohesion has given priority to the needs and interests of Nation N a t i o n a l i t i e s and Peoples of Ethiopia. All the malpractices of the terrorist TPLF that had been in effect in Ethiopia for more than two decades have left a scar on the peace loving Ethiopians. However, with the dismissal of the group, the reform has replaced colonial style political structure into a new one, which is based on political cohesion of Ethiopians.

As it was clearly indicated by the Deputy Mayor at the farewell program organized for the youths who moved to join the Ethiopian National Defense Forces at Meskel Square, Ethiopians have never sat idle when there were attempts conspired to dismantle their unity.

The value of peace is priceless. Due to its stubborn nature and ignorant leaders, the TPLF Junta is sacrificing innocent children to barrel of gun. Whenever peace loving Ethiopians ask for peaceful resolution, it has preferred the hardest way- to destroy the unity and stability of the Nation. However, peace loving Ethiopians are now paying all the sacrifice for the good of the nation. This includes, standing by the side of the ENDF and fighting the Junta.

On her speech on the program the Deputy Mayor indicated that the response of Addis Ababa youths is truly a manifestation of their dedication to defend the nation from all forms of aggression and commitment to halt any anti-peace activities. The provocative actions of the terrorist group are a proximity war. The groups is acting as an instrument for others that did not want to see a prosperous Ethiopia.

After the Junta had been removed from power, it is using all the means to distract Ethiopian stability. Being an instrument for proximity war is one way of the terrorist group. However thanks to the combined hands of Ethiopians, we have stand together for common agenda- to recreate a new Ethiopia.

Despite the attempts of the government to bring the terrorists into peaceful discussion, it has taken a provocative action against the Nation’s Defense Force. It even went on killing members of the Defense Force that had been protecting the Tigray people for years without caring for their life. What is more, the group has sided with anti- Ethiopian groups and is serving them. For that reason, Ethiopians have stood together against it to give it the right response.

According to her, the people of Tigray are part and parcel of Ethiopians. However, whoever is sided in terrorists’ destructive act to disrupt nation’s stability and its sovereignty and unity, or attack our apple of an eye- Defense force, it will not be tolerable. In her call to the youths of Tigray, Adanech has advised the youths to stay away from the terrorist group which is a threat to the peace of Tigray people too.

Appreciating the contribution of Addis Ababa investors, residents, government officials, committees that organized the fund and others for their dedication to support the ENDF, Adanech said, it is truly reflection of Ethiopian sentiment.

According to Adanech, the response of Addis Ababa youths is truly an indication of patriotism. It is also a message to the terrorist TPLF to know its limits. It is an indication that “We are offspring of Adwa”.

Whenever there is an aggression on our aggression, language would not be a barrier to us; ethnicity would not be a barrier. We Ethiopians would not compromise with the sovereignty of our nation.


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