GERD an emblem of Ethiopians’ unity, pride

 As having different views and points on certain issues is an inevitable incident among people with different social, economic and political background, Ethiopians have also several matters they do not agree with. At the same time, they also have lots of things they do not compromise with. The issue of sovereignty and the issue of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) are the most important issues where Ethiopians would not consider compromising even for seconds. Despite all political differences, Ethiopians have never hesitated to stand together for the successful accomplishment of the GERD.

GERD is the sensitive area for Ethiopians. This is especially true within the last three or more years where Ethiopians have rose in one voice and vowed to finalize the construction of the Dam.

Contrary to several attempts to cripple the construction of the Dam, progresses are witnessed within the past two years. The first Dam filling that was successfully accomplished last year has encouraged every Ethiopian across the world and it has added a new spirit in filling the second one this year.

Zenebe Mulu, is a Performance Editor here in Addis. This writer met Zenebe by chance at a time the completion of the second round dam filling was heralded last Monday. For individuals like Zenebe, who knew the challenge of reading textbooks supported by the flame of firewood, The GERD and the benefits that would come out of it has lots of meanings. It is hope, victory and change within challenges. For that very reason, Zenebe could not hide his feeling about all issues concerning GERD.

Ethiopia might have been through hard times within the last years, but it never wastes a single minute in constructing the Dam. This is truly an indication of how committed the nation is to change and development. It is also a manifestation of good leadership and unity of the society, he remarked,

“When I read the news of the successful completion of the second round reservoir filling on social media, I was totally in state of happiness. I was looking for my journalist friends to confirm me the news I saw on social media. When they confirm me the news, I was in total joy. Hearing such surprising news to someone who grew up in a rural part of the country struggling all the hardship with absence of electric power means everything. For this reason, I could not hide my feeling about the good news.”

Zenebe believes that, the issue of GERD is the concern of every Ethiopian. It is the emblem of unity and commitment. “In this regard, it is my responsibility to pay all the necessary scarify to the successful accomplishment of the Dam.”

According to Wondewossen Kebede, Historian and Ethiopian Painters and Sculptures Secretary, both the leadership and the mass have a great role in this regard. As to him, despite the pressure from the other side, Ethiopians have fought diplomatically both in digital war as well as funding the Dam. After the dismissal of corrupted TPLF junta leadership, the new reform has mobilized all its effort for its effective accomplishment and results are witnessed within short period.

As to Wondewossen, the second impoundment is truly a manifestation of Ethiopia`s commitment towards the Dam. What is more, attempts of Egypt and its associates to cripple the effort of Ethiopia to fill the Dam have failed. Egypt has made all attempts to hinder Ethiopia`s effort in constructing GERD. This includes buying lobbyists and Western voices. However, this did not stop Ethiopia from filling the Dam.

There was international pressure in Ethiopia to make it quit its project in several means. However, thanks to its patriotic children, Ethiopia has won the diplomatic struggle successfully.

The second Dam filling can be taken as a success for Ethiopia in areas of both political power balance and its negotiation advantages. “As it was indicated by several scholars, the second filling of the Dam will provide Ethiopia a better chance of diplomatic negotiation. Beside this, it will have a significant role in pacifying internal conflicts that is fanned by external interventionists.”

Wondewossen further noted that, Ethiopia`s commitment towards the GERD will also play a significant role in the region as the nation would have better power balance in the geopolitics.

Wondewossen stressed that, the second round Dam filling symbolize the commitment and perseverance of Ethiopians. In this respect, Ethiopians should show the same dedication for future and further development activities. The more Ethiopians unite, the more they can fill their gaps. However, according to him, when we fail to unite together, we will be the prey for our foes.

Abdurahman Kedir is a merchant around Megenagna. He was ecstatic when he heard the news of the successful completion of the second round Dam filling last Monday. For him, GERD is not simply a Dam; but it is the unifying force of Ethiopia.

Abdurahman believes that, GERD has brought Ethiopians with different political standpoint into one. For this reason, the second round Dam filling will further add value on Ethiopian sentiment.

As it was indicated last Monday by Dr. Eng. Seleshi Bekele, Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy, the second filling of the Renaissance Dam has been completed and the water is overflowing. The retained amounts are sufficient to run two turbines of the hydropower Dam, which has been under construction since 2011 on the Abay River, a main tributary of the Nile River, a crucial source of freshwater to Cairo and Khartoum.


The Ethiopian Herald  22 July 2021

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