Reservoir filling filled Ethiopians’ hearts with pride, hope


When ten years ago, the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam was first announced, Ethiopians across the globe were expressing their joy and commitment to backing it in every possible way thereby realize its completion.

Since then, the completion of the GERD has become the matter that Ethiopians are waiting enthusiastically and excitedly believing its completion is a means to develop and prosper together.

It was last year, on June 19th Ethiopians celebrated the first Dam filling. The progress, apart from making the reservoirs hold water, it has also filled the hearts and minds of all Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia with greater pride and Joy.

Last Monday, the news that warmed the hearts of all those who yearn to see Ethiopia’s development was announced by Dr. Engineer Sileshi Bekele, Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy – the successful completion of the second round dam filling.

Congratulating the Public on the successful completion of the filling of the dam, Dr. Engineer Sileshi said that today, 19th July, 2021, the GERD reservoir reached overtopping water level. Currently, the incoming flow passes through both bottom outlets and overtopping. This year also we are experiencing extreme rainfall in the Abbay Basin (Blue Nile Basin). As a result, the GERD reservoir has filled rapidly.

As he twitted, the GERD is an Ethiopian hydropower dam and guardian infrastructure asset for the downstream countries against climate change. It is also a means to develop further and prosper together; it can never be a treat.

The next milestone for GERD construction is to realize the early generation in the next few months.

“Congratulations to people of Ethiopia!” he remarked.

The completion of the second phase of filling of the dam clearly signifies that there is nothing that Ethiopians could not achieve if they firmly stand and work together, said Nega Abera, Lecturer of Sociologist at College of Social Science and Humanities Department at Jimma University.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Nega said that as a county that is undertaking massive development activities and has huge investment opportunities, the completion of the dam is critical to Ethiopia to accelerate its development activities and ensure its green economy initiative.

According to him, though Ethiopia’s historic enemies have continued running here and there to deceive the international communities aiming to make them stand by its side and put pressure on Ethiopia, they could not succeeded in their move because Ethiopians hold the truth.

“Any project that is fully supported by its people could not be hindered by any means or pressure. The dam could be best example in this regard. Even though there have been lots of pressure and conspiracies aimed to hinder dam’s progress by different entities, the fact that Ethiopia stands in the right direction, it has reached to this point today.”

GERD is the best showcase Ethiopians’ potential as they are capable enough to attain their dream. Further, the completion of the dam would have positive impact on all Ethiopians and initiate them to develop their natural resources with their own capacity, resources and expertise.

As to him, the completion of the dam, unarguably, will end up the sufferings of millions of Ethiopians, especially those who do not have access to electricity and leading measurable lives.

Selamawit Dawit, General Director of The Ethiopian Diaspora Agency also noted that putting aside the internal and external challenges that the nation is going through, all Ethiopians should have firm stand towards the completion of the dam

She further noted that following the completion of the second phase of the filing of the dam, Ethiopians around the world are expressing their gratitude through various media outlets.

“The diaspora’s contribution in shifting the wrong assumptions and perception of some international organizations and countries towards the GERD to the world is remarkable. Even through lots of pressures, they were able to contribute their knowledge, finance as well as other supports through various forms.”

The fact that the second phase will enable the reservoirs to hold high volume of water compared with the first one, more importantly, without a significant harm to the riparian countries, makes it more meaningful.

Though Ethiopia is found in a critical situation it had never been before in its history, it never sits folded hands from undertaking development activities. Rather, it has been carrying out number of historical moves in many ways. As a result, it can achieve remarkable outcomes.

However, to achieve our destinations and realize Ethiopia’s renaissance, Ethiopian should join hands. “Thus, I urge all, Ethiopians across the world to put aside their differences and stand together with firm stance to see the completion of the GERD in short period of time, thereby make Ethiopia a great country again.”


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