‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’

Passing a range of ups and downs for close to thirty years and peculiarly indulging in unfortunate circumstances following a three years old reform, Ethiopia is advancing towards prosperity and development amid... Read more »

Observing election firsthand than criticizing from distance

Ethiopia is readying itself for the upcoming make-or-break general election with preparation in the offing. The 6th general poll has come at a very crucial juncture as the country is going through... Read more »

Solving Africa’s problems by Africans is an internal matter

 In a reply to Sudanese Prime Minister Abdella Hamdocks letter, Prime Minister Dr.Abiy Ahmed recently stated the need for an official meeting of AU leaders to resume the tripartite negotiation on the... Read more »

Better truth seeking than water conspiring

If truth be told, a country which has been contributing 86% of water to a river has to be well encouraged to develop its resources thereby reaping all potential paybacks out of... Read more »

Ethiopia adheres to establish good rapport, maintain its national interest

 Ethiopia has scheduled to hold the second round filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam’s (GERD) reservoir on the approaching rainy season in July and August, 2021. Underlining the unbearable economic cost... Read more »

Stride to inscribe new history

 Ethiopia is committed these days than ever before to ink momentous emblem in its history via conducting a fair, free, credible and democratic elections a month plus ahead. It has also finalized... Read more »

GERD’s benefits are far-reaching!

The construction of a grand dam in Ethiopia is, no doubt, instrumental in providing almost all African societies with energy, helping to balance variability in water availability with demand for multiple uses,... Read more »

Modernizing transportation is an all-rounded development solution

Transportation can move Africa from darkness to light. It is enough to see the reason behind the adage that used to label it as the Dark Continent. The reason is not that... Read more »

GERD completion is a matter of survival, not choice!

It was ten years ago in this month, April 2011, Ethiopia has commenced the construction of the most ambitious project in the continent, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the River... Read more »

Fictitious narratives could not shake longstanding ties

The longstanding bilateral ties between Ethiopian and the United States of America have to be well consolidated and follow the normal trajectory as the latter started understanding the reality on the ground... Read more »