‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’

Passing a range of ups and downs for close to thirty years and peculiarly indulging in unfortunate circumstances following a three years old reform, Ethiopia is advancing towards prosperity and development amid a number of challenges it is currently facing.

Thanks to the visionary leadership and real patriotic citizenry diligently working to change misfortunes to green pastures, Ethiopia has now been hopping up to hit the ladder of success. Be that as it may, the country needs to be backed as hardships have highly la-di-da its normal trajectory. Hence, the need to be backed by friends and collaborators has to be met in time.

Cognizant of this fact, a number of international organizations like the World Bank (WB) are keenly following the up-to-the-minute developments in the country. As humanitarian need escalates following the law enforcement operation Ethiopia has successfully achieved, providing victims with assistance is becoming a great concern and timely. Hence, the world has shown great interest to assist this great nation acknowledging its all-round efforts to come out of the trouble it finds itself in.

Apart from the organizations practically engaged in providing a number of humanitarian assistances for internally displaced citizens in Ethiopia, many other have pledged to do their level best help Ethiopia rehabilitate conflict affected citizens, fostering developmental moves and ensuring peace and serenity across its territory.

Not only is the World Bank enthusiastic to help Ethiopia continue fostering development and growth journey, but a number of international institutions are also on the pipeline to help assist the country in its effort geared towards making its vision a reality—defeating poverty and declare food self-sufficiency.

Interestingly, WB is to help end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity for Ethiopians and address citizen’s demands for basic human services such as education, health, clean water, social and environmental protection across the nation.

The interventions of international organizations like that of WB have been helping Ethiopia record significant progress in key development spheres such as poverty reduction. Despite all these remarkable achievements, Ethiopia is still facing many challenges and requires unremitting support to reach its development objectives to improve the living conditions of the over 110 population.

As World Bank does not have the mandate to get involved in the internal governance issues of its member states, it has solely focused on assisting nations in their social, economic and other related aspects. It is doing the same in Ethiopia for the latter is an international strategic partner.

Ethiopia is committed to bring about transformation with a more democratic, prosperous, and resilient society with accountable and independent institutions. Taking all its endeavors to bring about change and prosperity, WB and other international organizations have been doing their level best to back it well.

The WB is really keen to engage itself in supporting Ethiopia’s efforts and help accelerate its implementation via helping manage vested interests. Yes, a friend in need is a friend indeed!

Humanitarian aid in conflict-affected areas of the nation is being well carried out by WB and other international organizations after taking the reality on the ground in Ethiopia into account. True, its involvement can be seen as an enabling factor for such a promising development strides.

Apart from providing the nation with a sign of relief in soothing the burning challenges, assistances from different bodies can motivate Ethiopia to register additional promising socio-economic transformations.

The Ethiopian Herald May 14/2021

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