Solving Africa’s problems by Africans is an internal matter

 In a reply to Sudanese Prime Minister Abdella Hamdocks letter, Prime Minister Dr.Abiy Ahmed recently stated the need for an official meeting of AU leaders to resume the tripartite negotiation on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

The letter further indicated that it is inappropriate to claim that the talks so far are not fruitful as there are some instances for progress like the signing of the Declaration of Principles (DoP) and establishment of the National Independent Scientific Research Group (NISRG) among others.

Ethiopia’s letter is an important part of the overall effort to make sure that conflict in Africa is addressed through the unreserved efforts of its leaders rather than the intervention of foreign powers.

As the letter reiterated the talks were interrupted about nine times. Yet it cannot be taken as a justification for allowing foreign mediators because the parties still have a chance to come to terms if they engage in the dialogue in good faith. It is a clear indication of the fact that African countries should engage in negotiations themselves than allowing external forces.

Africa needs due respect to its rights for solving its internal problems through its capacity. It is a big continent that brings together some 55 sovereign countries under their willfully established continental organization African Union.

Ever since AU was established it has been struggling to address problems through mediating the parties to the problems. Though conflict is still a recurring scenario in the continent, relevant continental and regional bodies are playing a determinant role in mediating internal disputes. For instance, African Union attempts to achieve continental stability and solidarity.

While some efforts are a success others have gone for years and claimed lives and damaged properties. Such problems were finally clinched through various means. But the issue is how long the continent keeps on entertaining such chaos should.

Indeed it is difficult to avoid conflict completely. As long as people live together, conflict is likely to happen. Especially as a continent inhabited by such a large variety of population Africa can naturally face conflict due to many reasons.

Hence the issue is how to enable the continent to sustainably address its problems. First of all, it should be understood that solving its problems is an internal affair for Africa. Addressing the internal problem should be left for the continent itself so that it can bring about a sustainable and tangible outcome. Ultimately the sustainable and tangible solution is likely to come out from the countries themselves.

The Ethiopian Herald  22 April 2021

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