Fictitious narratives could not shake longstanding ties

The longstanding bilateral ties between Ethiopian and the United States of America have to be well consolidated and follow the normal trajectory as the latter started understanding the reality on the ground and the grain of truth witnessed in the former.

It is well recognized that Ethiopia is US strategic partner in the Horn and vibrant guard of terrorism and anti-peace elements movement in the entire continent as well.

What has the US recently taken as a stance based on falsehood fabrications and misinformation about the law enforcement operation in Ethiopia, Tigray State, is now turning to the track as it is in a position to listen to what Ethiopia has uttered about the reality on the ground.

Recently again, Sen. Chris Coons, once a top contender to be Biden’s secretary of state, has come to Ethiopia holding a diplomatic mission to meet with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to address the crisis in Ethiopia’s northern region of Tigray.

Coons, who is the first senior official coming to Ethiopia after Joe Biden came to power, is expected to depart from Ethiopia meeting Abiy and officials from the African Union over several days to discuss the situation in Tigray.

Chris Coons’ trip comes after months of fighting in Tigray following Ethiopia’s military campaign to oust the former regional ruling party, the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front, in a conflict marked by widespread allegations of ethnic cleansing, sexual violence, and massacres of civilians. This really shows US concern to further robust the longstanding ally with Ethiopia, and this positive move needs not to be spoiled based on fabricated narratives produced by TPLF leftovers.

Interestingly, American diplomatic corps have been well informed about the law enforcement operation carried out in Tigray State. This dialogue helps the convoy understand what the reality on  the ground in Ethiopia is instead of being misled by the falsehood propaganda disseminated by the TPLF scraps and benefit shareholders.

Ethiopia has continued to be a strategic partner of the United States of America in the Horn of Africa and they have to well respect its national interest and sovereignty.

It is to be recalled that U.S. officials and regional experts warn that if left unchecked, the conflict could spiral into a full-blown regional crisis and cause knock-on destabilizing effects in Ethiopia’s neighboring countries. However, their threat was disproved as the law enforcement operation was concluded within the shortest time possible, and the government arduously engaged in rebuilding the state. .

Coons, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and chairman of the powerful senate appropriations subcommittee that oversees funding for diplomacy and foreign-aid programs, has joined a growing chorus of voices in Washington condemning the groundswell of violence in northern Ethiopia.

The visit of the diplomatic corps led by the Senator is of paramount importance in well investigating the truth in the state in person thereby further buttressing the bilateral ties between the two countries surpassing a century.

The very important thing that needs to be well comprehended in this regard is the relation between the two countries has to continue keeping their win-win status quo.

No matter how strategic and good development partners are, interfering in the internal affairs of each other could buy no means allowed, and particularly the US has to keep the sovereignty and national interest of Ethiopia in all aspects.

The Ethiopian Herald March 23/2021

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