Modernizing transportation is an all-rounded development solution

Transportation can move Africa from darkness to light. It is enough to see the reason behind the adage that used to label it as the Dark Continent. The reason is not that there was no light in the continent or because the sun does not shine in Africa. Rather Africa has ever been shiny and beautiful. However, it was called dark because it was not accessible, something far from the sight of those who wish to view it closely.

With the introduction of modern communication access, Africa has become a captivating jewel in the eyes of the whole world. Its rivers, lakes, mountains beautiful rainforests, its diverse people of varying culture became the most enjoyable scenery after people were able to deeply explore into the continent.

Yet Africa needs more roads, railway and other means of transportation to further display to the world its untapped and untouched natural blessings, grow up economically and enable its people to enjoy the width and depth of life.

Hence transportation is everything. To advance in all sectors is the most fundamental priority. Without means of transportation, all other sectors are dull and almost meaningless. First of all advancing in the other sectors like education, health and industry, among others are unthinkable without access to transportation. Secondly, if all these facilities are available, they are not usable without suitable means of transportation. Therefore, the focus made on transportation is highly valuable.

The government of Ethiopia should be lauded for the recent initiative to increase the involvement of the private sector in the development and modernization of the transportation sector.

Ethiopia needs not only a mere network of transportation facilities. It indeed deserves adequate, modern transportation infrastructure. To realize the need for such infrastructure it is wise to duly involve the private sector investment. In this regard the measures taken by the government of Ethiopia is commendable.

While investment made by the government so far is good there is also a need to further intensify the execution of the projects as the country still lingers in problems that emanate from lack of it. The extent of the infrastructure needed hereafter is very large that the government alone cannot address it. Hence bringing the private sector is a wise decision.

The important issue is the government must correct deadly mistakes committed in the past in handling development projects. It is well known that many of the development projects that started in the country in the last couple of decades suffered from corruption, mismanagement, lack of commitment etc. As a result, many of them were either interrupted, delayed or revised as they faced serious setbacks.

The investment in the transportation sector was not spared from similar drawbacks. Therefore the government needs to show the commitment displayed in the execution of projects like Sheger bakery, Entoto Park … etc. The leadership should play a proper follow-up and evaluation role to make sure that the projects are well planned, executed and concluded as per the planned budget and time table.

The Ethiopian Herald April 1/2021

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