Stride to inscribe new history

 Ethiopia is committed these days than ever before to ink momentous emblem in its history via conducting a fair, free, credible and democratic elections a month plus ahead.

It has also finalized preparations to dramatically paint its blanketed election past which was deliberately bedecked with pseudo-democratic features.

The country has opened a new chapter following a recent reform and has carried out a number of manifestations towards that end, indeed!

The political landscape has been made well broadened. Hence, all political parties have been invited and those who have fulfilled the criteria the Electoral Board of Ethiopia set are introducing their election manifesto and running towards winning electorate confidence accordingly.

Next, cognizant of the fact that building independent and democratic institutions is of paramount importance in pushing the country steps forward, the government is doing all its best to make the election democratic and credible by setting up an unprejudiced election board about which all political parties agreed since its inception.

The incumbent is doing all its best to make Ethiopia and Ethiopians winners through democratic and free elections. To this end, over 50 million Ethiopians are expected to vote. For the nation’s democracy to function properly and for parties to provide fair representation, electorates are going to have opportunity to vote—and be encouraged to do so. Yes, all citizens’ collective self-rule is established and fostered through free, fair, accessible, and peaceful elections through which the voice of every Ethiopians is heard.

The success of all these programs depends largely on political parties’ commitment to build a democratic country by thinking out of the box—bringing the national issue on board in place of reflecting little scope of ideology, conducting election campaigns responsibly and active public participation in elections.

If every political party discharges their respective responsibility and the general public moves full of civility, Ethiopia will hit intended new chapter, make history and sculpture it unscratched for good.

Yes, political parties therefore have great influence over the degree of people’s political participation at local and national levels in a bid achieve national prominence.

Thus all political parties are working to accomplish the timely essential task—building democratic Ethiopia—through an egalitarian and free election.

They are now heard of acknowledging the efforts exerted so far. In so doing, what the country intends to achieve and the society to garner can easily be met.

The fruitful contribution of the election to the country’s development and overall progress lies on enhancing a shared trust among parties and strengthening politicians’ awareness of the value parties have to add to a democratic society by effectively and responsibly discharging all their respective responsibilities.

As once a democratic system is set up and instructions are built, any winning party can flow activities in a well streamlined channel. It is why now Ethiopia is working day in and day out towards this end.

All what Ethiopia has faced so far will prettily be addressed using free, fair and democratic elections. This viable boulevard for Ethiopia is going to be firmly constructed following the upcoming elections. Plainly, the ability of the parties to adapt to the nation’s political development has resulted in a dramatic progress of the political route.

At the same time, societal trust in political parties has been witnessed, this has to be well nurtured and employed to bring about a difference.

Besides, civil society organizations are being encouraged to safeguard a neutral playing field where different views and practices can meet to grow nationally. Unquestionably, Ethiopia’s move for new election helps inscribe new history—a fabulous victory.

The Ethiopian Herald 13 April 2021

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