Ethiopia’s sacrifices for peace in the Horn ought to be recognized

Owing to its strategic vantage point, The Horn Region draws the coveting eyes of many. Therefore, it does not come as a surprise watching advantage-seekers as well as the belligerent with a... Read more »

 Making Addis livable, loveable!

Addis is going through a rosier period of transition with construction going on 24/7 days. Constructions are ongoing round the clock in every nooks and crannies. From Unity Park to friendship from... Read more »

 Chemistry with Ethiopia pays off

There is no gainsaying that peace and development cross-fertilize each other. In the absence of enduring peace development’s surge to fruition will be hampered. On the other hand, even development presupposes even... Read more »

 Topnotch service with commensurate price awaits participants in ever-glowing Addis

 Addis Ababa is not only the capital city of Africa but also a seat of international organizations such as the Organization of African Union (OAU) and United Nation’s Economic Commission for Africa... Read more »

 Excelling in diplomatic endeavors

 Through aligning its interests with many countries and playing laudable roles at regional and international levels, Ethiopia has maintained its diplomatic relations with many nations across the globe. For instance, from early... Read more »

Legitimate pursuit  for win-win cooperation

 Prime Minister Abiy (PhD) has recently emphasized the urgent need for Ethiopia to get access to ports on the Red Sea through negotiations. And several experts are also asserting the appropriateness of... Read more »

Sustaining peace, stability amidst challenges

President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Sahlework Zewde, on Monday, this week, opened the 6th year and 3rd tenure of the joint session of the two houses: House of Peoples’... Read more »

 Ethiopia working more vigorously on its tourist attraction capacity

Ethiopia needs to work on diversifying its tourism industry much further to meet the challenges facing the sector. For instance, cross cultural tour exchanges between staff and students of various universities, secondary... Read more »

Principled diplomacy for mutual benefit

Ethiopia, as one of the oldest nations in the world, has an advanced history of international relations and diplomacy. According to written accounts, the country’s traditional diplomatic and international relations with the... Read more »

 Diverse festivities for glorious harmony

 It has been splendidly fascinating to see Ethiopians celebrating grand religious festivals in the last two days. Ethiopian Muslims were celebrating the Mawlid, the 1498th birthday of the Prophet Muhammad while the... Read more »