No one is born without a purpose; nothing comes to being for nothing. Everything is incorporated in the eternal plan of the creator. Dynamism reigns; an infant grows to adulthood. One small... Read more »

Art and Craft

I tried to learn poetry when my eyes were tired and sick, When my heart could not fathom the sorrow of damages That HDTV news event picks Of a fire that engulfs... Read more »

Learn…live in peace

I’m not a fire to burn I’m not volcano to ruin I’m a man born to love So forget me!!! I’m not your weapon!!! And your bullet To kill the nation. So... Read more »

Exploring Africa through cinema could change the way the continent is perceived

Cinema is culture, and culture has no borders. In the Spanish elections on 28th April, the votes of 10% of the electorate added a xenophobic slant to the country’s political landscape. It... Read more »

Z one coin…

If no one understand you, your life and dream Don’t try to explain yourself for them Because they are not created to understand u They are created to destroy, mistreat people like... Read more »

Time is worth its weight in gold

While I was in haste to arrive on time at a book inauguration ceremony on which I was invited to present a speech, it was the conversant Mulu Solomon I first met... Read more »

The one who left himself behind (Short story)

Denqor was eighteen years old when he joined college. He went to the University of Gondar of Amhara State to study sociology. His campus was located on the top of a hill... Read more »

An experience of a teacher, guitarist and songwriter

Artist Mussa Husein was born in 1961 in Moyale town, Oromia state. He had been to Kenya for medical treatment in his childhood and had attended his 1st and 2nd grade there.... Read more »

‘Ethiopians when we live; Ethiopia when we die’ A graphic tree that represents Dr. Abiy`s speech

There is no any compromise that art has a power to reflect individual philosophy. Especially, in times where there is turmoil or peaceful condition within one`s soul, there is always philosophical thoughts... Read more »

Forgiveness pays off

 A long time ago, there was a king named Jang in China. When his kingdom finally won peace, King Jang quietly reflected upon everything. “When the nation was in hardship, there was... Read more »