I’m not a fire to burn
I’m not volcano to ruin
I’m a man born to love
So forget me!!!
I’m not your weapon!!!
And your bullet
To kill the nation.
So forget me!!!
I am a weapon to save!!!
A bullet to build peace!!!
Where ever you go, you live in peace
When you give love for people
So that love to live, hate to die
Because peace, life is out from love
Noise, death, racism out from hate
Love gives you inner peace
To die or to live
It is a matter of your choice
If your choice is love
I’m not fire and you are not a dagger
So we can live together!!!
If your choice is hating
One of us forced to disappear our living
This to not happen in our life
we must respect our deference
our difference should not be the cause for damage
Rather it could be the reason for genuine peace
And the way for advance change
Then, we are source of magnificence
Remember this can be actual when we keep our hand from revenge
then stop a way for destruction
Because our difference is a gift from supper God
so difference is not bad
rather it is a bridge for looking the good
A glass to view things
An egg to give special cares
In our difference!!!
There should be tolerance
This is the secret for our existence!!!
Do you agree???
Is it true???
Yes, it is true my populace
Look the Globe
explore the universe
even the plant
they differ in their name, size and function
But, they co-exist together on their orbit
Learn from Z globe
Then live in peace.
The Ethiopian Herald May 04/ 2011