Z one coin…

If no one understand you, your life and dream

Don’t try to explain yourself for them

Because they are not created to understand u

They are created to destroy, mistreat people like u

So do not take long time

To make argument with them

Just respect them

And reply for their question, ideas

“ You are right

You are right

You are right…..”

And never give explanation

But don’t say “no”

Because they are like jackals

Shout a lot on u

Simply say

“You are correct”

And leave out!

Just say “you are correct”

Because they are not kind

To discuss, deal on issues with cool head

They are kinds of people

Speaks a lot

Have null act

They are emotional

They look like rational

They deal on issues to bring u on their sides

They consider nothing about your feeling and morals

They never consider people around

They care only about themselves

Which is bad and lacks humanity

But they say

“We are groups struggle for democracy!”

Emmm… they are fakers and artificial

They are still know little/ nothing about democracy

Because they stand merely for democracy

While humanity and democracy is the two sides of a coin

But they do not have specific issues and stand

So when they speak they touch here and there

Due they can’t reach on argument

They are headache

For everyone

Who takes time?

To discuss issue

With them

So do not expect something from someone

Be sure with whom and why u take time

With whoevers practice humanity

Next democracy

For this to happen keep your word

Speak little, put it on ground

Follow principle likes

Action speaks louder than words!

It is the only solutions for the one coin

Called human beings

To live together

Being a bridge to get there

For Mother, fathers

Brother, sister

Who are found in difficult situation?

And needs us to be a solution

Stand to practice humanity

                                                                 Then democracy!

Herald April 21/2019


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