The one who left himself behind (Short story)

Denqor was eighteen years old when he joined college. He went to the University of Gondar of Amhara State to study sociology. His campus was located on the top of a hill called Maraki located within ten kilometers distance at the south western age of the historical City Gondar.

The local people say Maraki, which the campus is now named after, was chosen for University and the corner stone was laid by emperor Hailesilase. But no university was built in this site by the emperor.

Farmers who lived in this area, had given away their farming fields and moved to reserved new places hoping that a great home of modern knowledge would be built and their children would fetch wisdom from this place. But, it has been ignored for many years.

Leave alone not having a university, but the hope on this hill had turned into curse when thousands of youths were executed on this particular place during the dictatorial regime of Mengistu Hailemariam.

For many years after the collapse of Derg, it was turned to a place where the whole city dumps its dirt. All the savage realities have not been forgotten but the people revived their hope when the new Federal government started building one of its none innovative universities at this


A new campus with no sufficient food and water was built and Denqor was the second batch to join in. Youths like Denqor were happy to join a new multinational community friends and happy with the well coming party held in the historical city. But things would change later.

They all wear their jeans loose with Afro Americans style, the college kids from Addis.

Denqor and his country boys wear their jeans like them Chinese. One day he asked one of his new friends why he dressed his trouser like that. His friend said “Because it makes me feel relaxed. Why do you dress yours up and tight?”

Denqor didn’t have a sound answer and he thought that he might sound foolish if he said his parents told him so. And they would whip the hell out of him if he wore it loose. He rather just said “It makes me feel relaxed too.”

When he went back home for the first year summer break, the first question he asked his father was “Why do you always want me to wear my trousers up and tight?” His father replied, “Because there could occur a sudden gunshot fool. There could be a screaming fool. Your tight dress may come handy to run and save your cowardly soul. Why did you ask me any way fool?” He always calls him fool and Denqore do not understand why. Looks like the father was a big

 fan of Sanford and Son. Sanford used to call his son dummy.

Suddenly, the idea of how his father survived the 17 years of civil war struck his mind. He thought his father survived those tough years by running away.

He said to himself the true lesson from a true black American family

 school could be don’t get locked up. The true lesson from his true family was keep your trouser up, cause you don’t know where the war may come from. And the only brave thing to do is run. Run as fast as you can. How ironic.

He looked at his old father who always has an angry face for unknown reason. Then he said “Never mind Gashe!”

Gashe Dawit is always angry and stubborn. He could be seating near the table where the phone is placed and when it rings, he would remain seated and shout out “Can somebody pick up this goddamn phone!?” Someone in the house may come and answer the phone. Then, saying that it is for himself, would hand it over to Dawit.

He would grab the phone and reply with no manner. “Who is it? …Mersha who? …What do you want Mersha? …Contribute for what?….Community my elbow. You people don’t have anything better to do?… I’m not doing anything for these people. Where were they when that fire destroyed my shop?… Well go find somebody else. I’ve had enough with this reckless social responsibility.”

He never has faith in the community he is living in and never had a national pride. To him, this country will never rise or fall because he thinks its people have no passion and commitment almost in everything. He raised his son, Denqor, telling to only watch out for himself and never for others.

“Never believe in friendship, never ever do anyone a favor. Do not for once or accidentally involve in politics and movements related to it. Politics in this country is giving a cow a piece of concert salt to lick and milking her without leaving a little drop of milk for her cub!

“People who talk you in to joining any political movement will leave you behind when things go wrong. They will give you up for your enemy if they see fortune or opportunity in it. They could betray you when they gain power even if you have highly contributed for their success,” he tell him that all the time and Denqore doesn’t listen.

He only thought of all his father’s advice and “keep your jeans up” advice came in handy one bloody day. There was a little movement in the college because of election issues. He was a front liner with the slogan “power to the people”. But suddenly the police started gun fire. He quickly turned round and run away leaving his friends behind, leaving every one behind until he found an empty safe ground, where there was no police and gun shots.

He stopped running. Something feels aching and wet down his left leg. He thought he pissed on himself. But it was worse. He was bleeding. He was shot. He was in a place where he cannot find help. That is when he realized that he left himself behind.

The Ethiopian Herald  April 14/2019


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