Forgiveness pays off

 A long time ago, there was a king named Jang in China. When his kingdom finally won peace, King Jang quietly reflected upon everything.

“When the nation was in hardship, there was restlessness and constant worries. Now, the military is very strong, and attacks from neighboring countries are no longer a problem. The quality of life is better. I have many good servants who helped me. The country has become stronger in many ways. I am so thankful to my servants. The country has become safe and stable now because of their conviction.”

King Jan granted to express his thankful heart to his servants, so he planned a celebration. One evening, the king threw a party in the palace garden many people set up, tables, and brought food and liquor to the party; the king and the queen sat in the middle while the invited servants and generals sat around them. It was a happy time they had not felt for a long while. One by one the guests got a few drinks in them, and the atmosphere loosened up. Everyone gradually got drunk, and people started to speak freely about this and that, even though they were in the presence of the king. Some even cracked jokes.

At one point during the party a strong gust of wind that blew out all the candles in the garden. No one could see a thing in the dark, but the guests continued to have fun and chat with each other.

 Suddenly, the queen screamed, the king was shocked. “What is going on?” he shouted. The queen answered, “A scoundrel has kissed me in my lips!” When the guests heard this they began to talk and murmur among themselves. The queen said, “I have torn the strap off his hat. Your Highness, quickly, turn the light on and find the person who has a strap missing. Seize him and beheaded him.”

King Jang was enraged. He thought to himself that this person who insulted his wife has to be killed. He keeps on thinking about the idea. But he said to himself, “I threw this party to commend my servants, but if I beheaded one of them, what would happen to the atmosphere?” I should not have thrown this party in the first place. I have made mistakes when I was drunk. A person’s thinking becomes scattered when they drink. They become impulsive, lose control of their emotions, and makes mistake. On the top of it all, look how beautiful the queen is? That is why this happened.”

Although it was a short amount of time, many thoughts crossed King`s heart. Then with loud voice, the king commanded everyone, “Do not turn the lights on, do you understand me?”

“Yes your Majesty.”

All my servants and generals sitting here, remove the straps from your hats, and toss them to the ground.”

The servants continued to talk among themselves, but they did not remove the straps off from their hats.

“What are you doing? Why are you not removing the straps from hats and tossing them to the ground? If I turn the light on, and there is someone who still has a single strap remaining in his hat, he will be punished!”

Then all the servants removed their straps tossed them to the ground.

“Have you thrown them all down?” The king asked.

“Yes your Majesty.”

“Now, light the candles. Let us keep drinking.

The candles were lit, the party continued, and the servants started drinking again like nothing happened.

King Jang had two hearts. His first heart was to be very bitter against the servant who kissed the queen. If he reacted to that heart, then that servant would have definitely been executed. His second heart was to understand the servant who committed the mistake.

Time passed and that country enjoys peace for several years.

However, some times, neighboring countries sign an alliance and attacked that peaceful nation.

The strength of their enemies was so strong that no single general was willing to fight the invading forces. The king and his generals try all the solution and provide possible options but none of them were acceptable. The size of their enemies and their fierce attack did not let the king and his generals to think wisely and repulse the attackers.

However, at the middle of this stress, a young general came forward and said, “Your highness your humble servant will go before the enemy to fight.”

“General, do you think you can fight that great army and defeat them?” the king asked.

“If I do not get the victory, I will not return alive. I will die fighting. Please let me lead your soldiers, Your Highness.”

With the king’s permission this young general took the army and began to fight back against the enemy.

To everyone’s surprise this young soldier looks he is fighting to die instead of winning. The enemy was not in a position to withstand his soldier. The more they try to attack him the more they got defeated and they retreated back.

When this victorious young general returned home and stood before the king, the King could not control his joy and wanted to give this general a great award. But, the general said something unexpected. “Your Highness, please behead me.”

“What do you mean? You are asking me to behead the very general who saved our nation. That makes no sense!”

“Not at all, your Highness. Your servant deserves to be executed. Years ago, when there was a party in the palace garden, I got very drunk. The face of the queen was so beautiful in the candlelight. I was entranced by her. Right then, all the candles blew out and I committed a terrible act I should have not done. I should have died that day. However, you saved my life, your Majesty. I have since wanted to kill myself several times, but your grace and your virtue were so great. I wanted to repay you first, so I did not go through with committing suicide. Today presented an opportunity for me to repay you, even if it is a small token of my regret. Now I have no regrets even if you were to behead me now. I will die a happy man. Your Highness, pleas behead me.”

“General, you are a loyal servant. You are a servant that I absolutely need. Continue to protect our nation, and train other soldiers. Continue to shield our nation from our enemies.”

King Jang had the heart to behead the soldier who did wrong. However, his other heart was pushing him to spare that soldier and save that party. His positive and forgiving heart did not only save the life of that young general. He is able to save his nation from invaders. Whoever has a forgiving heart and the ability to think twice can save what is precious. Think of our nation. Think of the power of forgiveness. Think of the next generation. The more we forgive others the more peaceful situation we will create. The more we think twice the more we save our land from civil war and chaos.

This story is taken from Ock Soo Park`s book entitled “Who is not me but in me.”

The Ethiopian Herald April 7/2019


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